Growing Through

1 month ago

We are so easily distracted. Why is that? Honestly because I think we are in a hurry. We don’t want to put the time in that it takes to grow through. It is the same with our golf game. We need to practice and get our swings down, so we swing through, but we don’t take the time to work on our swing, we just want everything to work without putting in the work to make it work.

There is so much you can learn from the game of golf. I was sitting at the first hole waiting to tee off and thinking of all the golf disciplines I need to remember to have a good round. But if I want to finish well, I need to do what I already know. I know I need to finish my swing well by swinging through. It is the same way in life, we just want things to come easy without having to take the time to learn it. We don’t want to grow through, we just want to go through.

Be willing to be taught by God. He is a teacher. Take the time to grow through “swing through” this life and grow with God. Taking the time to “listen up” and hear the instruction of the Holy Spirit and make the necessary changes in our lives and learn and practice the characteristics of godliness. It is not always going to be easy-peasy in this life where we can just roll through it. We will have times of teaching. So slow down and grow through. Things may not come easy, we don’t get to “just go” without learning something new.

God teaches us through our life situations, and it is His way, His timing and His outcome. It is not about what we want. Our human nature is the easy-peasy human condition where we look for the easiest way out. God wants us to wait on Him and let Him show us the things that will help us play well in this life as we take the time need to be instructed, practice and grow through with God. This is how we finish well.
God has purposefully allowed the collapse of common sense. It is nowhere to be seen or heard in these times. There is no more common sense. Can you agree with this? Why do you think this is so? Within a culture of the downplay of common sense, we are more apt to be completely dependent upon God, in followship of God, because there is no other understanding available. We can’t make human sense out of the goings on in these times. Followship is the new common sense.
God has so much to say today, let His Holy Spirit guide you. He is speaking in that creative way only He can, open your ears wide to Him. He knows exactly what you need to hear this moment. Your heart to heart relationship with God is also known as a Vital-Vertical Relationship, simply-significantly the most needed thing in your life. I highly encourage you to stay wholly-holy aligned with God, soul synchronized with Him, making it personal with Him from every moment into every choice. The most constant conversation in your life should be you and God.

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