How To Raise Your Vibration To Change Your Reality!

2 years ago

Do you know you can change your energy, vibration or state in any moment?

Lets do an exercise...

Imagine being in a parallel reality.

In one reality you feel exhausted, anxious, depressed, fearful and in the other you are happy, have heaps of energy, feel calm and fulfilled.

One reality is your old self.

The other reality is your new self.

In the old self you think, feel, and act one way.

Your new self thinks, feels, and acts a different way.

However you think, feel, and act, it becomes a big magnet for your reality.

You attract more of what you are on the inside.

You can choose to be the BEST version of yourself! The thing that will keep you from changing more than anything else, is your beliefs.

Your beliefs create your reality.

Imagine that we all have an energy field around us, (which we all do).

Imagine a wave of energy that is going out of your heart.

That wave of energy is lead by your beliefs.

Your beliefs tell you what you are experiencing,

They can tell you,

I am worthy

I am strong

I am loved

I am supported

or they can tell you negative things.

There is a wave of energy that is constantly being projected out.

And when you go out into the world, your reality is being reflected based on that filter.

The key is, if you want to change your reality, you must change the energy wave.

You must change the way you are responding in your reality and what you are projecting out.

Your reality is a direct reflection of the beliefs you have about who you are, and how you relate to your reality.

You have beliefs and stories about love, relationships, money, abundance, health, and these things are are overlaying your reality.

If you want to create a permanent change in vibration, the key to this is getting to the core and becoming aware of your energy waves, and beliefs, then making a choice to change them.

Awareness comes first. Then choice. Then the transformation to shifting your vibration happens.

Once you can shift to the new vibration, you can then wire in a new way of being.

If you need help on a deeper level, contact me and find out how we can work together.

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