3 years ago

Mike teaches today 05/15/21.


VERSES: Hebrews 2:10-12; Colossians 1:27; 1st Corinthians 15:40-43



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God’s revealed intent, even before the foundation of the World, was to have an heritage; a special or individual possession; an allotted portion, and that by “…bringing many sons unto glory, (and) to make the captain of their salvation (Jesus the Son of God/Son of man) perfect through sufferings. For both he that sanctifieth (Christ) and they who are sanctified (His Bride) are all of one (by special union designed by God in the power of the spirit/Holy Spirit): for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, Saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee…” (Hebrews 2:10-12 with Revelation 14:1-3, and John 17:6,9,11,12)

The objective of God now that we have been granted life in the Gospel of His Son, is to show us His intent of union of the ‘Body’ with the Head by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of Scripture. It is by love and faith that we comprehend His love towards the Body to be fit for union with His Son.
That perfect union being realized in the first resurrection, where we will be brought up in glory from the underworld (Hades, in the center of the earth) in the uniting of our spirits and immortal bodies presented to the Father and then given unto the Son… “they two shall be one flesh”.

God conceived in Himself that receivers of His salvation in His Son was the basis on which His sons’ eternal relationship with the Father would be set; and this He will accomplish through a certain ‘union’ with the Son. It is that union (mystery of marriage between Christ and His Bride) that is the central message/greatest part of the mystery of the heavenly calling “hid in God’ from the foundation of the Earth that is discovered to the believer in the Book of Ephesians.

The second prayer of Paul is for the Body to come into the realization of the Father’s intent for this union with His Son. The knowledge facilitates the purpose of God that His Son’s Body comes into full sympathy and symphony with God’s will and goodness. It is today, in this ‘time’ of His patience, which is the time He allows an evil will to resist His will and goodness, and time to align ourselves with His Salvation Plan and restoration of all things, which are in a state of ruin. In order that He might capacitate or sanctify, that is to say to bring into full heartfelt agreement a revived being into a new creature who fully empathizes and is in full sympathy/unison with His heart by a certain determined union with the Godhead. The forces of resistance to that threatening union are satan, the World, and the flesh. They are united together to bear against the means by which God has determined as just and right; an increasing capacity through faith in developing exposure to His Written Word. And how can one come into full capacity in sympathy with another without love? It’s impossible. How is that love accomplished? By experience. And how are we to grow in this love? By faith energized by love, developed in the Scriptures and personified in us by the Holy Spirit’s power, which enables us to walk in the purposes that God intended for us to walk in.

VERSE 14 “For this cause…”
Paul’s prayer is… now that we have received the Gospel of redemption, that the saints would now comprehend the fullness of the purposes of God, namely that we are to be His heritage in Christ, who is both our Lord and ‘brother’ by the Father’s special designed union. “I bend my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” God is both Christ’s God, as He is God of all Men, and Father, as He is His eternal Son. We are then, in Christ, both servants and sons of God. All sought/desired blessings of the Father depend on our relation with Christ.

VERSES 15 & 16 “Of whom the whole family in heaven and -- earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his (Holy) Spirit in the inner man…” Verse 15 sets forth again God’s eternal purpose of two spheres where His will is to be done; the heavens, from where all things stem, and the earth; the material realm. Two phrases are used in these first few chapters of Ephesians by Paul to describe God’s different or varied and abundant resources drawn upon to accomplish His eternal purposes involved in the salvation of man. One in the first chapter: “the riches of His grace” which speaks to man’s redemption and justification in Christ in no merit of his own (Ephesians 1:7); and now in this 2nd prayer Paul uses the descriptive term of......


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