Proof That Global Warming is a Hoax
Revealing Ukraine
This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda
John McCain at the Euromaidan, Ukraine, 2013
2016 DEC 31 Political Treachery as War Mongering Whores John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine
The CLIMATE CHANGE DATA.... as told by ice core drilling. Scientific evidence of the Climate HOAX

2016 DEC 31 Political Treachery as War Mongering Whores John McCain and Lindsey Graham in Ukraine

2 years ago

» NOTE: ENGLISH CONTENT STARTS 00:01:25:19 onwards in from the start this is when Graham and McCain speak

» President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko together with US senators near Shirokino.

» THIS MUST- SEE VIDEO These political whores are busy doing their KHAZARIAN masters bidding stirring the pot to generate war with Russia

→ Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine - Preparing for a proxy war with Russia (2016)

→ Remember “Birds of the same feather always flock together” - MCCAIN and GRAHAM

» RUSSIA GATE: my understanding of the background concerning how this all came about goes as follows the plan was Conceived in/with the council and approval of Barrack Obama, Joe Biden John, Kerry, and Susan Rice with Hillary Clinton. It was actioned by DNC/Hillary Clinton who sourced and paid for the fabricated “Steele Dossier” to link Trump to Russia this treasonous piece of fiction was feed to John McCain who then channelled it to Lindsey Graham who then table the document into the hands of FBI this laundering of the document was legitimise the document and provide valid weight to the document for the FBI to seek spying on Trump and his Associated during the election cycle.

» It is my opinion that Lindsay Graham was as dirty as the other co-conspirators his ties to John McCain is disturbing; McCain was a Deepstate Traitor of the USA. McCain was a Political Mule for the Military Industrial Complex. John McCain was a war mongering political whore!


• Klobuchar, McCain, Graham in Ukraine, Baltic States, and Georgia to Reinforce Support for NATO With Focus on Cybersecurity December 28, 2016 https://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2016/12/klobuchar-mccain-graham-in-ukraine-baltic-states-and-georgia-to-reinforce-support-for-nato-with-focus-on-cybersecurity

• US senators praise Ukrainian marines, slam Putin https://www.politico.eu/article/us-senators-praise-ukrainian-marines-slam-vladimir-putin-russia-john-mccain-lindsey-graham/

• McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture DEC 31 2016 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/12/31/mccain-visits-frontline-ukraine-troops-anti-putin-gesture/96036782/

• McCain and Graham: U.S. needs to hit Russia hard for election hacking 12/28/2016 https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/john-mccain-lindsey-graham-russia-hacking-congress-233003

• U.S. Senators Vow No 'Faustian Bargain' With Russia, Pledge to Target Putin 'Harder' DEC 30 2016 https://www.rferl.org/a/mccain-ukraine-russia-sanctions-graham-klobuchar/28206263.html

• McCain, Graham call for US to arm Ukrainians 18 NOV 2014 https://thehill.com/policy/defense/224619-mccain-graham-call-for-us-to-arm-ukrainians/

ORIGINAL SOURCE Офіс Президента України: https://youtu.be/5Eds-8P0VfA

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