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World Leader Confesses: 'Unvaxxed Were Right, We Tried Poisoning BILLIONS of You'

The People's Voice
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World leaders are breaking down and admitting what many of us have known for years – the global elite, in cahoots with Big Pharma, were responsible for the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of humankind when they mandated Covid vaccines and destroyed the health of millions of people in the process.
Amid warnings from funeral directors that governments are covering up the true number of deaths in the vaccinated community, and with a huge tsunami of deaths forecast in the near future, should we grant these world leaders the amnesty they are begging for?
Or should we hold them to account and punish them for their crimes?
Technocratic Global Takeover-Conversation with Daniel, PhD: EP 22

Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
In this episode, I speak with world renown Author and geopolitical analyst Daniel Estulin, PhD. I asked him from his extensive research of the globalists and their technocratic transhumanist plans what he sees humanities future to hold.
Daniel Estulin stands as a towering figure in the realm of geopolitical analysis. Renowned worldwide as an incisive historian of the global elite, his scholarship spans impressive depths and widths. Estulin's place as one of the world's most provocative and insightful public intellectuals is undisputed. Daniel Estulin, PhD is an award winning investigative journalist and best selling author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group published in 64 countries and translated into 41 languages. He has given two speeches at the European Parliament on the Bilderberg Group and the international monetary crisis. In a front page article, Wall Street Italy called Estulin, "one of the few people who understands the current crisis."
In August 2010, he was invited by Fidel Castro for a personal meeting in Havana after Castro had read Bilderberg. In October 2010, Estulin became the first journalist to give a speech to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Venezuelan armed forces on global financial structures and the Bilderberg group. He is the author of 12 books, five of them international bestsellers. He has sold over 7.2 million copies worldwide. His book, TransEvolution: The Age of Human Deconstruction, describes the change of paradigm for humanity that shall define its future and threaten its very existence.
For more information for Dr Ana Mihalcea:
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 20 years of clinical experience. She is the President of AM Medical LLC, an anti-aging clinic dedicated to the reversal of all diseases. She is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity” ( She is also the founder of Tru Blu Medical, developer of Blue Light Wellness wraps ( ). You can reach her website for research updates and treatments at
Dr. Mihalcea writes Humanity United Now Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, self-assembly nanotechnology and more
Her research field is C19 vaccine shedding, therapeutic approaches including metal detoxification and disabling self-assembly nanotechnology.
She serves on the Board of Directors for the National American Renaissance Movement
She is also an Advisor for

In the past year alone, there has been a huge amount of Plane and helicopter crashes. Is there a correlation between aviation safety and vaccines?
CAPITAL OF CONFORMITY "this film is “disturbingly accurate"…The Punisher

"Holy F7$* "Watch this short film" Tim Pool @Timcast
CAPITAL OF CONFORMITY "this film is “disturbingly” accurate…The Punisher
Message from Inka Fuellmich: [Her Attorney Husband Reiner Fuellmich Filed Various Covid CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS Since 2020 & NOW HAS BEEN ARRESTED!]

Truths Unlimited
Message from Inka Fuellmich to Our Community: Transcript:
Dear all
This is my story.
Arrival at Tijuana airport
On October 12, Reiner and I flew to Tijuana to pick up our passports and visas. This has been arranged by the consulate. We were supposed to be met at the airport by the consul. Here's what happened:
I happen to be sitting in the second row at the front.
So I get off the plane pretty quickly.
There are 6 uniformed men right at the gate.
Four men from the National Guard and two from the immigration authorities.
They let me pass almost unnoticed.
I have the crazy hope that it can't be us. Maybe someone with drugs or something similar.
I stand a little to one side and wait. My heart in my throat.
My husband was sitting at the back. Nothing can happen, I think.
We are safe here.
We have an appointment with the consul directly at the airport. Everything has been officially reported and planned.
As soon as he steps out of the gate, the uniformed men start moving, seem to have a photo of him.
They walk towards him and I know,
Nothing is the same now.
Now it's happened.
There's nothing I can do.
They all come to me together and we are led wordlessly into the immigration office. We wait.
I just manage to make one more phone call before a man says: "There's something wrong with your visa, we're taking you to the main office now.
Our explanations that we should get new passports here and that everything is in order are not of interest.
With blue lights and a second escort vehicle, we are taken through the traffic jam to the other end of the city, where they are already waiting for us.
All personal belongings are taken from us without explanation. As well as fingerprints and signatures on several papers in Spanish. No interpreter.
We ask to call the embassy, a last attempt to clarify the situation.
The call confirms that nothing is happening here by chance.
A interpreter arrives and explains that there is a problem in Germany. They would take my husband to Mexico City immediately and he would fly from there to Germany.
There is no more talk of passports or visas.
We are allowed to say goodbye briefly and then all of a sudden he is gone.
What's happening here?
And there's nothing I can do.
A large room. A man in handcuffs and lots of tattoos is being led away.
I'm wearing a light dress and flip-flops.
The interpreter tells me that I'm going to stay there for now.
A woman takes me into the cell and I walk in circles on cold gray tiles.
Camera on the ceiling, 1 water bottle with paper cup,
1 rubber mattress on the dirty floor.
Heat protection foil for the night.
A set of toothpaste, but no washbasin.
Metal toilet, clogged and overflowing.
After a few hours, a guard comes and tells me I'll be released the next day and leaves a tray of food.
I think: better than in a German hospital and am a little relieved.
Just hang in there, everything will clear up and then everything will be fine again!
It gets calmer during the night. Breathing exercises.
A television is on.
It's cold. New arrivals come in from time to time, picked up at the border.
Fewer and fewer people are fleeing México for the USA. On the walls are the names of people from Georgia, Brazil and Venezuela.
When the doors slam, I startle, afraid that my door will be opened.
The next morning I await my release. After 2 hours I ask and someone says: In the afternoon.
Then it's afternoon. The food for the evening is brought. The guard says: Hey German, you have to eat. For us Mexicans, a good full belly is very important.
Then I cry - suddenly I lose hope.
But after a while, voices at the main entrance. The boss is back from work that evening. Very polite, personal, almost apologetic.
I'm taken from the cell to the front.
'You can go now'
I sign papers again. They show me a photo of my husband at the airport in México City. In handcuffs between 2 men.
He looks so tired.
Then I can leave
and until now I wasn’t able to write about it.
These things are happening now to many
It is our present
Betrayal? Slander? Aiding and abetting?
Love, hope and blessing for all people who are and remain strong.
Who are there for others and support them.
I would like to thank all the people who have accompanied us for over 3 years, who have written to us and shared their worries and fears, as I am doing now. Who stood up and simply do not stop.
Thank you very much.
SOURCE: Dr Attorney Reiner Fuellmich (Inka's husband's) Telegram:
Transcript from
Reiner Fuëllmich Update Following His Arrest
As many people know, German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich, who haS been working on a project for years, that MANY CONSIDER r the “2nd Nuremberg” though Reiner refuses to use that title, yet what he has been working on could be used in another Nuremberg Trial.
Attorney Dr Fuellmich was arrested October 12th 2023 by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. Since then, our readers have been concerned and keen to receive updates on Fuëllmich’s situation, which have not been very well publicised. However, there have been two updates from a friend, of Fuellmich, Elsa Schieder, the first was on the 16th of October, where she confirmed that following his arrest in Mexico, Dr Fuellmich was flown to Germany and was at this time still in prison.
An announcement had been made on (in German) by a friend, of Fuëllmich, who is now his defense attorney, Dagmar Schoen which Elsa translated. Source.
16th October Update
“Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas quite some time ago, and needed to get them replaced. As they have been staying in Mexico, this led to their needing to go to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. The first time they went, on Monday, they needed to come back. Dagmar was already uneasy, but everything seemed all right translated.
A time was arranged, for Friday, for them to pick up the documents. So the embassy knew exactly when they would be arriving. When they went back on Friday, Reiner’s wife got her documents and was allowed to go. Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush, even.
A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously, he was not informed. As Reiner was in Mexico, which is outside the jurisdiction of the EU, the warrants could not be enforced. So there needed to be a way to get him onto German soil. Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity. When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were 6 men waiting to detain him, take him to the airport, and escort him to Germany.
The charges, as Dagmar found out when she had the official papers opened, were 30 pages long – so this was something carefully planned and executed. They related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member on the Corona Committee, about financial wrongdoing. “Three people signed the charges against Reiner. Perhaps the craziest aspect of the charges is that the money Reiner allegedly took is in the bank account (or anyway, was in the bank account) of one of the 3 people.”
Latest Update 28th October
By the 28th of October attorney Dagmar Schoen, had visited Fuëllmich a couple of times since he was imprisoned and claimed that his arrest warrant was “an excellent means of coercion”.
Transcript (not verbatim)
So Reiner was arrested in Frankfurt on October 12th on a warrant dated March 15th, this year, ’23, which had been a European arrest warrant since May 24th. First it was a normal warrant, and then from end of May it was a European warrant.
“Yes, that was an excellent means of coercion, this arrest warrant. Nevertheless, unfortunately, not enforceable in Mexico since Mexico is not part of the EU.
“And therefore, the enlightened citizen asks himself, how could Reiner Fuëllmich be arrested then? Was he really arrested only in Frankfurt or perhaps already in Tijuana?
“I wish that many first class lawyers, the stars among the international law experts, would engage with this case and send us their analysis. This case must cause concern among all lawyers worldwide.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fuellmich had lost their German passports. They had reported this to the consulate in Tijuana and applied for new passports with a new visa. On October 12th, they were registered at the consulate to pick up their new temporary passports and visas.
“The consul himself wanted to receive them at the airport. However, it was not the consul who was waiting at the airport, but six officials from the Mexican Immigration office who were only looking for Reiner Fuëllmich, and took him in. After that, there was no escape for him anymore.
” He found himself in state custody. The only question is which state? It may be that the obvious answer to this is not the right one at all. This is a question that many experts in international law should look at very closely. Which state was acting here?
“Normally, no one is expelled from Mexico because they no longer have a valid visa, especially if they didn’t have one because their passports had been lost, and they had just applied for and were supposed to get a new one. It was the case with Mrs. Fuëllmich. She got visa and passport without any problems. She could stay in the country and was not taken into custody.
“Reiner Fuëllich was first flown to New Mexico, and from there by Lufthansa to Frankfurt. There, he was met by the German police upon landing. And one day later on October 13th, the grounds for this action, the European arrest warrant, was disclosed to him. His two lawyers, Katja Woermer from Essen and I from Munich, both were present.
Reiner was accompanied on the flight from Mexico to Germany by two Mexicans, one of whom spoke English. Reiner asked him… (He’s a person who talks with everyone you know. You know him.) And asked him, who actually pays for these flights because that was quite a costly action which was taken here. You know, three flights from Mexico to Germany and then two flights back for the two Mexicans. The answer, one could guess, was Germany. Germany has paid for these flights.
“The question for the experts of international law is, therefore, could there be a legal basis for the actions of the German public prosecutor’s office in Göttingen? Is it the determined state for such an action or was it an illegal kidnapping, as some international articles have already suggested.
“The public prosecutors office in Göttingen based his arrest warrant on a criminal complaint filed by three young Berlin lawyers, two of whom were even members of the Corona Committee — had been…”
[…]”…This criminal complaint is 30 pages long and is indeed a remarkable piece of writing, but not because of its legal brilliance. Prosecutors to whom we gave it to read were surprised that an investigation had been initiated at all on the basis of this document and the accusations formulated in it — other prosecutors told us.
“These facts also fueled a suspicion Reiner Fuëllmich’s arrest may have been motivated by political, rather than legal, considerations.
“We need international support through articles, legal analysis and also financial support. In fact, the money that Reiner Fuëllmich is accused of collecting is not with him but, hard to believe, with the person who filed a criminal complaint — at least with one of them. Because over one million euros were transferred to his account, which actually had to be transferred to an account of Reiner Fuëllmich. There he should have been transferred to, but he somehow managed that it was transferred to his account. It’s a bit [of] a complicated thing. So this is not easy to explain in this situation.
“The criminal complaint is dated on September 2, 2022. September 2, 2022 was exactly the day on which Viviane Fischer, together with Wolfgang Wodarg, announced Reiner’s departure from the Corona Committee, into the camera, allegedly because of financial irregularities.
“So it was 30 pages long, this complaint. That means nobody could write this in one day, so they have probably worked on it for several weeks already. So communicating with Reiner and, behind his back, they were planning his execution. It’s amazing.
“And all people who somehow he still considered as friends. Anyone who has watched the Corona Committee since 2020 could see that Reiner Fuëllmich did 90% of the work here. Because during this time he also created a network of international lawyers and initiated various class actions.
“If he had billed his legal work, which he certainly could have done, he would probably have been entitled to far more than the 700,000 euros that he’s now being accused of being illegally collected by him.
“Everyone who knows Reiner knows that his work is not about money and fame. He received a lot of letters in which people confirmed that he has saved their lives — actually really their lives — with the Corona Committee during the Corona measures. And it’s really what we should keep in mind.
“This one person wrote in a comment, I think it was on the Bittel broadcast. ‘Reiner carried us through dark times. Now we carry Reiner.’
“I hope that many people hear this and follow it.” Dagmar takes questions from the participants. See video
Dagmar concludes:
[…] “…It’s true they have been very jealous of him because he has this energy and this power, and this ability to connect with so many people. “And still to be so precise and clear. And that you can feel his heart. You can feel that he’s a real person… “…If a real person talks then our hearts open because that’s the heart-to-heart connection that happens then.”
While this case is ongoing you can send a message to Reiner via Dagmar:
Connect with Elsa Schieder
Source – The Truth Comes to Light.
Background: The following message is from Fuellmich´s telegram team-
Please show your support to Dr Reiner Fuellmich and send him a postcard where he is currently being held.
More Info here:
We live in times where we can only work together and not against each other to make the world a better and fairer place for ALL.🍀❤️❤️
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Füllmich
Am Großen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
Telegram channels for updates on Dr Reiner Fuelmich´s situation.
Sources in German
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