MindGrapes Podcast Ep 8 - Emo Batman, Flight Attendants, & White Hot A&F

2 years ago

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Taylor’s MindGrapes
The new season of the Kardashians is out on Hulu and Taylor believes it is better than the original. Although she is alone in loving the show, there is mutual respect among the MindGrapes Pod Hosts that Kim is way richer than all of us. Also, there is a general appreciation that she remains apolitical in an environment that cannot seem to talk about anything else. One of the few tangents this episode was our discussion of Pete Davidson. He must be incredibly charming, but Clark remains perplexed as to how he has made money in comedy.

The Flight Attendant with animal rescuer Kaley Cuoco is Taylor’s favorite thing on TV right now.

Finally, the new season of Selling Sunset is out and determined to make everyone who watches it feel bad about not being model hot and a real estate agent. Selling Sunset is the ultimate reality gig. With almost no production value, these people are able to make more money on top of their already insane fortunes via Netflix.

Trent’s MindGrapes
Severance, Halo, MoonKnight, and Tony Hawk. Since we have traveled into each one of these shows, we did not spend too much time discussing them.

We did dive into the new Batman. Trent gave it a thumbs up and he was intrigued. While Blair was not with us today, he texted, “2 words: Christian Bale…
That’s it. That’s the end.

Besides the grunge personality “Batman” that Robert pat brings in this new Batman, I think the movie did a good job going back to comic origins of Batman being somewhat of a detective. It was less about the gadgets and cool explosive tech and more about the greater cause. I think that’s what made the Dark Knight so great, but I may have a bias for Christopher Nolan movies.

I’m being harsh by giving it a thumbs down, but it is encouraging that the Batman franchise is keeping it interesting by evolving the character and the storyline.

Also side note. Colin Ferrell as the Penguin.. like whatttt?”

Clark’s MindGrapes
The Thing About Pam deserved many thumbs. That was an incredible show and Rene Zellweger was amazing. A gripping and incredibly dark story that kind of remained light. It’s hard to explain but it was phenomenal.

White Hot The Rise and Fall of A&F was trash. A bunch of nonexperts whining about the cool kids club. Sadly no one seems to understand the twisted paradox of “inclusivity.”

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