D.O.P.E. Drill. 5 shots AS FAST AS POSSIBLE #shorts

3 years ago

D.O.P.E. Drill. Data On Previous Engagement

We were lucky enough to do the D.O.P.E. drill twice. The first time we did it as a group, the second time we did it for time.

The D.O.P.E. drill can be done with a pistol or a rifle, this was rifle. 5 shots from 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 yards firing as fast as possible.

Distance|First Shot|Splits|Total Time
5 yards|0.99 sec|20,19,16,18|1.72 sec
10 yards|0.91 sec|19,17,20,18|1.65 sec
15 yards|1.09 sec|20,18,16,19|1.82 sec
20 yards|1.09 sec|19,17,17,16|1.78 sec
25 yards|1.03 sec|20,17,16,18|1.74 sec

This was 25 yards and this was the only time I missed the paper. 24/25

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Business inquiries: andrewconradyt@gmail.com

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