How to Reduce Frizz (Tip 3 of 7)

2 years ago

Tip #3... reducing frizz...

Scrunch-dry your hair with a microfiber towel or a 100% cotton t-shirt towel.

If you're using a regular terrycloth bath towel to dry your hair and/or rub your hair dry, you're already starting off on the wrong foot right out the gate. Tons of frizz. Not to mention breakage!

Instead, scrunch-dry your hair like this with a microfiber towel or a t-shirt towel.

I usually do it with my head upside down.

These types of towels, and the technique of scrunch-drying your hair, doesn't make your hair frizzy.

If your hair is giving you trouble, and you want to have good hair days again, please reach out. I might be able to help... send me a text message 1-208-516-3615 or a chat @wardee_beauty... I'd love to help.

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