NOOOOOOO! 92.5 Kgs x7 Bench Press FAIL

2 years ago

I was really hoping to get a new rep PR today, because I do think I am capable of getting more than 8 reps with this weight. However, my energy petered out right before this set, I underestimated how damn long the song takes to get to the breakdown, and I lost all my tightness, my arch, and my foot slipped out of position during the set. This is WORSE than my previous best of 8 reps, which is NOT a good sign. I think the 145 Kgs x11 Deadlift set the other day taxed me a little too much, and ate in to my recovery, unfortunately. I think I am going to swear off doing any more than 10 reps with heavy conventional deads, as they are just far too taxing for the sake of getting a little rep PR. Need to think about the bigger picture.

Song: "Floods" - Pantera

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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