



I have been fighting for our Nation through Radio for 16 yrs. I am a man of Gid that only wants our Great Nation back, and I will do everything I can Standing Up, Speaking Out, and Getting Involved for the Righteousness of our Great Nation.

I am a Constitutional Conservative Veteran, and a T.R.U.T.H. WARRIOR through God for this Nation and its people.

I ask you to click the follow button, and Share Out to everyone you know so that all can get the T.R.U.T.H. (The Reality Underneath The Honesty), for They say that they are being Honest with you, when in Reality it's completely different.

Join up and let's fight together for God, Family, Country. Become a LiveT.R.U.T.H. Radio Warrior - Fighting for the Righteousness of our Nation.

Thank you, God Bless You, and God Bless America.

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Joined Dec 5, 2020

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