The Great "Noticing" Has Begun. Exposing Israel...

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00:00 : Loading…
15:40 : INTRO 🚂 🌙
19:15 : Trump signing executive orders
23:00 : Yahya Sinwar was one of the 1,000 Palestinians traded for Gilad Shalit
28:10 : Video resumes | Trump’s statement to Hamas
32:35 : Chats 💬
36:30 : Video that explains The Ukraine Conflict | RIP Gonzalo Lira
38:30 : We don’t need Canada
41:30 : More chats 💬
45:45 : What is TPS? Are you thinking about revoking TPS for Ukrainians in the US?
49:00 : The second assassin was a weirdo
54:00 : This peace deal was saved for Trump to sign
58:30 : NATO is a waste of money
1:06:45 : China Virus 😂
1:07:20 : It never fails 💵
1:11:50 : Chats 💬 We’re 4 for 4
1:17:20 : Back to the conference
1:24:30 : August 6th 2020 | Pro-Palestine content on TikTok
1:27:25 : Clips: Why the bill passed to ban TikTok
1:29:00 : A letter to America went Viral on TikTok | What’s in the Letter?
1:37:40 : Why it’s bad Gen Z is noticing 👀
1:40:20 : TikTok allowed Trump to run his campaign
1:45:00 : Chats 💬
1:47:20 : A Clean Break memo | Every single time
1:51:30 : OSS Assemble! 🪖
2:00:00 : Thank you 💬
2:02:00 : The stats on the video OSS raided
2:05:10 : Press Conference resumes | Chats 💬
2:07:35 : Signing Executive Orders | The goal for these tariffs
2:14:10 : Women’s History Month, Irish Month ☘️
2:17:50 : MAGA vs Ukraine Piers Morgan 2:20:30 : Becoming too big to avoid 👍
2:23:00 : Debate resumes | Anti-war but arming Israel with weapons?
2:27:40 : Zelenskyy is a dictator
2:32:00 : Of course he wants to support Ukraine
2:38:30 : Trumps is a pragmatist | Scarcity
2:42:20 : The show goes on! 🔥
2:46:00 : This war is BS
2:50:20 : They’re trying to stop me from cooking | W Frank 🐕
2:53:00 : Debate resumes | This war must end because…
3:03:45 : Ukraine has more of a right to fight for their land
3:08:45 : I’m not f*cking leaving!
3:11:45 : Isolationism is a good idea
3:16:00 : We’re back! I would never self delete 🗣️
3:19:10 : Chats 💬
3:26:00 : Debate resumes | They call themselves American when it benefits them
3:30:30 : Andrew Tate’s response
3:33:00 : Of course she hates the Tates | A lot of women like this…
3:37:00 : Why Andrew Tate is more influential than Trad Cons
3:44:00 : Roger Stone
3:46:30 : Conservative as long as Israel is included
3:50:30 : Chats 💬
3:54:00 : Ben Shapiro runs The Daily Wire
3:57:25 : BRB
4:00:00 : The Great Noticing 👀
4:01:20 : Andrew Tate on FullSend
4:06:30 : Candace Owens on Theo Von
4:12:45 : If you’re j*wish you can hide as a pdf
4:16:30 : The Right of Return | Why they don’t extradite their criminals
4:18:20 : Ian Carroll on Joe Rogan
4:27:45 : Who founded Israel?
4:31:30 : NUMEC- Ryan Dawson
4:35:50 : The IDF is a terr0rist organization
4:45:45 : JD Vance on Theo Von
4:50:00 : Hasanabi on Theo Von
4:56:25 : Trump knows
5:00:25 : Chats 💬
5:10:00 : Explaining Epstein’s Blackmail Ring
5:20:00 : More chats 💬
5:22:30 : Prior to October 7th 2023 you’d be censored
5:27:00 : The difference between the left and right regarding Israel
5:35:00 : Level 1 of JQ Awarness
5:37:40 : Level 2
5:40:20 : SWITCH TO RUMBLE ✅
5:42:00 : Level 3 Understanding it was all a lie
5:49:20 : Dancing Israelis (9/11)
5:53:00 : It’s interesting how j*ws managed to record two pivotal moments in history
5:55:15 : Famous Film producer Arnon Milchan is a Self admitted spy
5:57:55 : This is the true great awakening
6:05:15 : Last chats 💬
6:07:50 : Clip from NUMEC By Ryan Dawson
6:10:30 : Israel’s nuclear program and how it got exposed
6:14:40 : Raiding Nick’s stream
6:16:20 : OUTRO
The Empire Unmasked | Ryan Dawson | (2017)

The greater crime of 911 has been the wars it has led to and the war of terrorism that now plagues some of the most ancient parts of the world. So many people have died. It is vital to understand how 911 was actually pulled off, how it was wrongly associated to innocent parties and by whom; how it has been covered up both by lies and disinformation, and the resulting rise of mercenaries proxy forces that intelligence agencies have created multi-nationally as a weapon to enforce western corporate hegemony, principally directed by Israeli interests.
Unfortunately 911 has a stigma built around it because of how asinine ‘conspiratainment’ has been promoted on such a big stage thanks to blow-hards like Alex Jones. Loose Change is even on Netflix. Their dogmatism does for 911 research what religious extremist do for religion. Their own followers are locked in but their behavior and insulated from contrary facts is off putting to everyone else.
So we not only have to debunk the government, we start in a position of extreme disadvantage because of these charlatans. We have to prove we aren’t crazy before the subject of 911 can even be approached.
War by Deception has stood basically solo as resistance to the total kookification of 911.
The greater crime of 911 has been the wars it has led to and the war of terrorism that now plagues some of the most ancient parts of the world. So many people have died. It is vital to understand how 911 was actually pulled off, how it was wrongly associated to innocent parties and by whom; how it has been covered up both by lies and disinformation, and the resulting rise of mercenaries proxy forces that intelligence agencies have created multi-nationally as a weapon to enforce western corporate hegemony, principally directed by Israeli interests.
We are often guilty of starting stories in the middle and overlooking important history. In my opinion there has been an over focus on the physical collapses of the buildings on 911 and very little attention to the larger picture. Historically all the major terrorist organizations and paramilitary factions have had a hand in glove relationship with intelligence agencies, and are largely financed by the sale illegal narcotics and other black markets that are intentionally allowed to thrive.
The Empire Unmasked will explain the event of 911 but also related events before and after that operation which will make what happened far less shocking or surprising. If we are going to change our course of Empire, it is essential, imperative, and absolutely vital that we destroy the psychosis of American exceptionalism.
Politics can not be fruitful from the perspective of cults. We can not understand or change what is happening if we do not or are not willing to acknowledge the crimes done in our name by a cabal, just because they throw the flag in out face or sloganeer about the bravery of our “boys” in the military.
The chicken Hawks must be exposed, The parasites routed out, and this do-gooder veneer, this mask hiding the empire must come off.
With that I hope you watch this film openly and also be patient for the core information on 911 as it is important to establish a good base of history for its own sake and also to establish credibility on a topic that has been viciously inundated with discrediting propaganda and misdirection.
NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK

Ryan Dawson
This movie is free thanks to members and donors from ANC Report. If you found this informative consider sending a few shekels. This is the only way we can do films. NUMEC Map
The film exposes how terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to the blood thirsty ethno-stater lunatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president. The gun running routes doubled as human trafficking routes as the post war climates had created millions of refugees and nations of women with little or no opportunities who were easily exploited. This in turn gave rise to international forced prostitution and pedophile rings that targeted state figures and businessmen for blackmail. The press and policing agencies were forced to capitulate because challenging Zionist power right after the horrors of the Holocaust was political suicide. WWII’s own justification for nuking cities and murdering millions of civilians through bombing and starvation was the made for TV images of the Holocaust, even though Palestine had nothing to do with that, they paid the ultimate price. And by allowing Israeli power to grow out of control the US effectively lost its sovereignty. Especially in regards to foreign policy, Zionist partisans most recently the Neocons have thrown the US into one conflict after another against its own interests to further the personal interest of a criminal cabal. This film, like any Dawson film, names the names and gives the details and documents. The criminal networks of organized crime, sexual blackmailers, arms smugglers, financiers, and political cover up have all been mapped out, literally. Help us at the Anti-Neocon report reach our goal and once again put the establishment and donor class psychopaths under the spot light. The truth will set you free. But Freedom isn’t Free.
“By far the best production value ANC has ever created”- Pug
“When you think having your greatest ally attack you is the worst thing they have done, Dawson drops this bomb” – Oliver
“I think I wet my pants, but I had my underwear on so I couldn’t have raped that girl” -Alan Dershowitz did not say
“With an entire room full of people who have been drinking all night and done a 3 and a half hour conference with Ron Paul and eaten a big meal, not a single person fell asleep, that’s impressive” -Reed Coverdale
“Were done for” – Israeli on Pol
Exposing WHO Killed JFK w/ Cory Hughes & Tommy Sotomayor

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0:00 : Preview…
10:30 : Show begins!🔥 - JFK was a$$a$$inated 61 years ago today!
11:30 : Who is Cory Hughes?
13:00 : Topic’s we’ll discuss today
14:00 : Official narrative & why it doesn’t make sense❌
17:50 : Lee Harvey Oswald’s early life & how they set him up
21:00 : What are they hiding in the JFK Files?
24:00 : JFK & the Vietnam war conspiracy 🪖🇻🇳
29:00 : Jack Valenti - The sh00ter of the grassy knoll
30:00 : Jack Rubenstein…EVERY SINGLE TIME🛎️
33:00 : Would JFK have pulled out from the Vietnam war?
33:30 : Executive order 11130 & JFK’s beef with the mob
41:00 : Oswald was NOT in the book depository that day
43:00 : The CIA used body double of Oswald
48:00 : Identifying the REAL sh00ters & how they used body double of Oswald
51:45 : Oswald body doubles - William Seymour & Kerry Thornley
53:00 : Why did the CIA hate JFK?
56:10 : Sh00ters in the book depositary - Lawrence Howard, William Seymour & Loran Hall
1:00:00 : David Ferrie’s - The First sh00ter on the grassy knoll
1:03:00 : William Seymour is still alive & Cory has his number🔥
1:08:00 : Kerry Thornley - the Oswald lookalike who set him up
1:11:20 : Jack Valenti took the FINAL HEADSHOT💀🔫
1:15:00 : Breaking down the Grassy Knoll sh00ting with pictures
1:20:20 : The magic bullet theory
1:24:00 : EVERY CIA a$$a$$ination has this in common🤔
1:26:00 : Inside the book depository & how the FBI fabricated 200 pieces of evidence
1:40:30 : Proof Oswald was NEVER in book depository
1:47:00 : There were upto 6 sh00ters & 9 people involved 😳
1:49:00 : Debunking the conspiracies - JFK was shot by his driver
1:52:30 : Myron summarizes the whole episode
1:56:00 : Jack Valenti SHOT Martin Luther King Jr.?
—— Lee Harvey Oswald’s background ——
1:57:00 : The early life of Lee Harvey Oswald
2:01:30 : Switch over to RUMBLE / Tommy joins the show
2:03:00 : Why is Cory so obsessed with the JFK a$$a$$ination
2:06:00 : Where did Oswald live?
2:13:00 : Oswald’s history with C*mmun!sm
2:17:00 : Oswald’s school records & exposing his mother Marguerite Oswald’s imposter
2:32:00 : Exposing Oswald’s body double
2:36:00 : Oswald’s military record how his height changed from 5’9” to 5’11”
2:44:00 : How the CIA used Oswald
2:51:00 : Why did Oswald sh0t himself in the arm
2:59:30 : Oswald in Philippines & Taiwan - exposing his body doubles
3:04:00 : Freaky Oswald got g*n*rrhoea in the line of duty
3:07:00 : More evidence of body doubles - There were multiple Oswald’s
3:18:30 : We’ll bring Cory back
3:19:30 : Where can you find Tommy? / Outro
Who Killed JFK: The Biggest Coverup In American History With Cory Hughes

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0:00 : Preview
5:00 : Intro
6:00 : Show begins!🔥- Special Guest Introduction
8:00 : Official narrative by the Warren commission
10:30 : Was JFK k!lled by a Carcano rifle?
12:00 : Trump wants to declassify the JFK documents
14:00 : Why would Oswald k!ll JFK?
16:00 : The Magic Bullet theory
18:00 : Live demonstration of the a$$a$$ination
23:00 : JFK was NOT shot from the back / Who is Jim Garrison & Clay Shaw?
26:30 : CIA’s involvement
29:00 : Who is David Ferrie?
32:00 : Was Lyndon B. Johnson behind the a$$a$$ination?
36:30 : Quick Summary of the official narrative
39:30 : Was there more than one sh00ter?
41:30 : The TRUTH about what really happened (Find out on Rumble)
43:30 : 1959 : Oswald defects to the Soviet Union
47:00 : 1962 : Oswald returns to the US with his wife & kid
52:00 : Was Oswald a c0mmunist? / They used Oswald lookalikes to frame him
55:00 : 1963 : The Walker Shooting was staged to make Oswald look bad
59:00 : How long have they been plotting this a$$a$$ination
1:02:00 : Number of rounds fired (with official documents)
1:05:30 : Where was JFK shot from?
1:08:00 : The Daily Plaza incident
1:11:00 : The money order attributed to Oswald’s is FAKE!
1:16:00 : Who is David Ferrie?
1:17:00 : Picture of David Ferrie with Oswald
1:18:00 : How the government set up Oswald for the plot
1:23:00 : The US Mafia was run by a J3w - Meyer Lansky
1:27:00 : JFK movie was produced by a Moss@d member
1:28:00 : JFK was the LAST president who put America first!
1:30:00 : The guy who invented t3rror!sm - Menachem Begin
1:33:00 : Who was behind Oswald’s death?
1:34:30 : (Truth Bomb) Who is Jack Ruby & What was the CMC / Permindex?
1:42:00 : Did Z!onists rule our country before JFK?
1:45:00 : What was the Sonneborn Institute & how did the Isr@elis stole our weapons
1:48:00 : JFK hated Isr@el after he found their nuclear reactor in Dimona
1:52:00 : The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)
1:54:00 : The Anti Castro Cubans
1:56:00 : Mercenaries involved in the a$$a$$ination
1:57:00 : Imagine the bodycount between these people😆
1:59:00 : How do we know it wasn’t Oswald?
2:13:00 : Quick Summary of the incidents involving Oswald
2:19:00 : Why did Cory put so much time & effort into this?
2:20:00 : Superchats! - Was Hermanio Diaz involved?
2:22:00 : Magic bullet theory
2:23:30 : Who was the Babushka lady?
2:25:00 : JOE ROGAN will NEVER have a pod like this
2:26:00 : Why was Marilyn Monroe k!lled?
—— JFK’s A$$a$$ination —
2:28:00 : What really went down on November 22nd, 1963
2:32:00 : What does the official narrative say about Oswald
2:34:00 : Where was Jack Ruby on November 22nd
2:37:00 : OH SH!T! Samuel Ruby found posing as Jack Ruby
2:39:00 : Samuel Ruby knew about the operation
2:41:00 : Who was the ‘Dark Complete man’ & the “Umbrella man”
2:42:00 : What went down on The Grassy Knoll?
2:45:00 : The most important document of this case
2:48:00 : David Ferrie’s involvement
2:50:00 : David Ferrie found in the spot
2:54:00 : Where was Oswald during the incident?
2:55:30 : THE ACTUAL Shooters who k!lled JFK
2:59:00 : Loran Hall fires 2-3 shots, likely striking Gov. Conelley
3:04:00 : Hitmen of the Chicago outfit
3:07:00 : Shooter of the grassy knoll - Jack Valenti - He worked for the CIA
3:13:00 : (Watch this) JFK’s A$$a$$ination EXPLAINED!
3:15:00 : Statements from secret service agent - Jon D. “Jack” & Paul E. Landis
3:19:00 : Jack Valenti & David Morales get in the car
3:23:00 : H!tl3r’s bodyguard Otto Sk0rz3ny was hired by the Mossad
3:26:00 : Jack Valenti took the k!llshot
3:27:00 : Breaking down the shooting
3:32:30 : How did Oswald end up at the movie theatre & why did the cops arrest him?
3:47:00 : Gary thinks J3wish mafia k!lled JFK because he went after their money
3:49:00 : Why did Lyndon B Johnson appeal the 1110 order?
3:51:00 : The MAIN Reason JFK was targeted
3:54:00 : RFK Jr. didn’t mention J3ws on the Joe Rogan podcast
3:57:00 : Where can you find Cory Hughes? / We’ll do an episode on the H*l*c@ust & MLK Jr. next
3:59:00 : Superchats! Myron will never k!ll himself!
4:02:00 : Outro! (LIKE THE VIDEO)