



The mission of Da Urban Conservative is deeply rooted in the exploration of street-level news, focusing on critical issues such as gun violence, crime, and politics within our community. With an unwavering emphasis on finding effective solutions for the most challenging problems we face, our commitment is to actively contribute to the enhancement of our neighborhoods.

To improve our communities, we advocate a return to core values that have historically formed the foundation of strong societies. Embracing and reinforcing principles centered around family, community, and our fundamental roots is crucial. By prioritizing these values, we believe we can instigate positive change that resonates at the grassroots level.

Crucially, our dedication extends to ensuring that no member of our community is forgotten or overlooked in our collective efforts to elevate communal living standards. It is not enough to merely discuss the issues; action is paramount. The time has come for a proactive stance, where words are transformed into tangible and meaningful initiatives that bring about real change for the betterment of our neighborhoods.

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Joined Oct 12, 2022

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