S5E34 | Cash Colligan - Founding Member of 'The Cab' Unmasks Hollywood Music Industry’s Dark Side P1

The Imagination Podcast
Today I’m honored to introduce you all to: Hollywood and music industry whistleblower and survivor, entrepreneur and business owner, former member of the pop rock band, ‘The Cab’, loving father and devoted husband, digital marketing extraordinaire, advocate for autistic children, content creator, and my new friend: Cash Colligan
Cash is here today to talk about his life experiences as a young adult in Hollywood, the music industry and his journey being signed to a major record label right out of high school at 18 years of age. On he outside, it looked like Cash had hit the lottery by age 18 - and in Hollywood terms, he had. His boss was Pete Wentz from the iconic band, Fall Out Boy, and at one point, he was so close to Wentz that he actually attended Pete and Ashley Simpson’s wedding. For those of you who are millennials like me, these names and Cash’s story are sure to bring up some nostalgia today! By 20 years old, Cash had already toured the world, partied like a rockstar, experienced fame, fortune, popularity, money and lived a life that so many only dream of. But under the surface of all the money, fame, and facade came years of stress, torment, exhaustion, and - ultimately - trauma.
Hollywood is a topic and industry that is not only trending and relevant today, but I believe Cash’s personal testimony can help shine a light on the Hollywood machine and the abusive and traumatizing ways it churns, burns, and exploits children and young adults through at such a rapid pace - leaving these young entertainers and former stars to fend for themselves once the industry discards them, and moves on to the next best thing. Out with the old, in with the new. Many artists find their identity in their art - whether it be music, acting, writing, drawing, painting, and so forth - and when that identity taken from them at such a young age after years of full-time commitment, praise, and success - it can leave deep scarring, depression and identity crises as these children and young adults then have to adjust to life outside of Hollywood and figure out who they are without all the labels and outside validation.
Cash’s story, however, has a happy ending and didn’t stop with Hollywood - through trauma and over a decade of healing, he has resurrected as a new man - an advocate for autistic children with a 15-year career in digital marketing, a father and devoted husband. And he is an example of what is and can be on the other side of the darkness we will be talking about today. For the first time, we get to hear Cash’s story in full and what actually happened behind the scenes of the glamor and star-studded picture-perfect life the public saw. The truth about the underbelly of Hollywood and what is on the other side of healing from the trenches of pain, addiction, and deep depression that can occur from being in these industries at such a young age. This intro only scratches the surface of what we’ll be talking about today - so grab a pen, paper and gear up to take some notes as we traverse down some new rabbit holes today that we hope will provide other survivors and witnesses hope, healing, and comfort while also providing education and insights to advocates and trauma-informed helpers alike.
Before I finish introducing today’s guest, I wanted to give just a couple quick reminders and updates: If you’d like to be on the show, share any information privately with me or send me a written testimony for my upcoming book series or to be written in a Substack article, you can email me at: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com or standbysurvivors@protonmail.com. As some of you know – my YouTube channel was recently terminated and I am being forced to pivot and use other streaming platforms to get this important information out to the public and disclosure community. Your support would mean the world to me on platforms like Rumble and X where I am currently streaming! I also just started another YouTube channel with the handle @imaginationpodcastofficial that I will be rebuilding and I would love to have you all Subscribe there as well while I figure out how my new presence on YouTube will look in order to dodge the censorship and backlash for speaking out about these difficult topics. THANK YOU all for helping to make The Imagination the safest space on the internet for survivor, whistleblower, advocate, and educator disclosures.
X: @voiceofcash - https://x.com/thevoiceofcash
Website: https://webearish.com/
EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.com
My Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/
BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination
All Links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast