@WordFromDC_DCWordHUB (Created: TuesSep172024)
I will **SAY** what I **Believe** and **Know** I Believe what I **SAY** to His Honor Glory and Praise: Amen.
This is that hour, also known as **End Time(s): Amen.
We haven't seen anything yet - not really; and, just depending on *Whose* [WE] are...well, absolutely will literally determine how *we* come through; whether it be for *good* or for *ill* to put it kindly.
*This Channel was *not* intended to, or created for, or being shared here to offer spoons-full of sugar to make a *hard-word* go down: but rather ask first... is what's being shared here *TRUE?* Amen.
Let them who have an ear hear what the *Holy Spirit* of *GOD* is Saying to the **true** church, the Body of the Most High, GOD.* Amen...
PS: WORD(s)/messages/uploads/vlogs etc., shared on this channel will be short and are intended solely (souly) to point souls to the **Cross Of Jesus Christ** and to encourage them to remain in His presence under His Wings and at His Supper Table: to be *Prepared.* Amen...
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Joined Sep 18, 2024
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