2.18.25 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Michelle Melendez, Author "The Great Maui Landgrab"

Michelle Melendez research led to the publishing of the book, "The Great Maui Land Grab", which, in its title, explains exactly what happened in Hawaii. She also expands on Paradise Valley, California, and the Pacific Palisades fires, NC and others in the process of the deep state taking America's most valuable land from their owners.
Buy Michelles book here... https://greatmauilandgrabbook.com/ or on Amazon
Charlie Ward Miami event tickets at https://wardmckaymiami.com/
Patriot Streetfighter is a highly censored combat machine fighting for "We The People" of Earth.
Website - https://patriotstreetfighter.com/
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Many thousands of Patriot Streetfighters have stepped onto the battlefield for Operation Tomahawk whereby these warriors are shutting off the cash flow of the global corporate machine that is working against humanity. Check out Operation Tomahawk at... http://www.operationtomahawk.com
Become part of the Tactical Civics revolution in bringing back the Founders' Constitutional Country Grand Jury where "We The People" regain power of the criminal political class at ALL levels... https://www.tacticalcivics.com/
See War on Truth The Movie https://hisglory.tv. USE CODE PSF
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