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Yahshay was originally raised in a Christian family until his mid-teens, at which time he left the church and ended up living “in the world, Sirach 4;17) .” In his early 40s, the Father began to stir his spirit and caused him to re-evaluate his life and beliefs until he learned of the true name and lifestyle of the Messiah YAHUSHA It was during this time that the Father led Yahshay to an understanding of “the front of the book” and his identity as a part of the House of Yahshar'al. Several years later, Natsarim Whatchmen Of Yahuah, and Yahshay was called to be a servant and a Naví voice and teaching. Since then, Yahshay focus has been on our King’s words of “making disciples of all nations,” that the Body of Mashiach may grow in spiritual maturity and love.

Natsarim Yahshar'al Whatchmen Of Yahuah: Yahshay is a Set Apart Abary (Hebrew) believer of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach my King, and a Naví Voice. His ministry and life are led by two simple goals: to be obedient to the Ruach ha-Kodesh and to get the Besorah ( Good News ) of the of Yahusha HaMashiach in front of as many people as possible and Proclaiming the Name to All Nation.

For your Maker is your husband Yahuah-Tzva’ot is His Name the Kadosh One of Yasharhal is your Redeemer.

He will be called Yahuah of all the earth.

Isa 54:5

"You can see Yahuah from anywhere

if your mind is set to love and obey Him."

Introduction to our fellowship

We believe that we are redeemed by the blood of Yahusha the Mashiach and that the Torah is still applicable to our lives today. We have a strong emphasis on discipleship, as this is what our Mashiach modelled here on earth, commanding us to make disciples of all nations.

We are a NatsarimWatchmen Of Yahuah, based in The Bronx NY. What does that mean? It means we obey the Torah which is “Ahloah’s instructions”, including the Commandments, the Sabbath⁵ and His Kadosh (set-apart¹¹) Festivals; all of which are found in the Kadosh Scriptures. We believe that Yahusha HaMashiach, our Deliverer⁶, is Yahuah. We believe that Yahusha became the Word made flesh, died as an atoning sacrifice, rose again on the third day, and then ascended to The Father; providing for us the gift of eternal life.

We believe the Scriptures is a love³ story between the Creator of the universe and His people; the union of the Bridegroom and His Bride. We understand the Commandments to be wedding vows, and therefore obey them as an expression of our love towards our Beloved. We do not observe the Torah in order to be saved but rather because we are saved. We now desire to be obedient to the Covenant⁹, as we believe Yahusha desires a spotless bride without blemish. Saved by grace through faith, we await His return, seeking righteousness by being filled with the Ruach HaKodesh, and being a light unto the world.

We perform His vows in love, as without love we are nothing but a clanging cymbal. Our Fellowship's creed cites 1 Cor 13 in conjunction with the Sh'ma (Mark 12). We therefore stand firm in our beliefs that the whole Holy Scriptures applies to us today and, as instructed, our foundation is based on the first five books of Moses (Torah).

1. There is one Ahloah and His Word

There is one Ahloah: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 .𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 and Yahusha are One (Echad). 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 is the Creator of all things. His Ruach ha-Kodesh empowers us to walk obediently in His Torah. All Scripture is given by inspiration of Yahuah and is the infallible truth.

1 John 3:24, Deut 30:11-14, 2 Tim 3:16

2. There is one way to our Father

Yahusha HaMashiach is the only begotten Son of Yahuah. He became a man and was without sin⁷. He was sacrificed as the Passover Lamb for our sins⁷. He was resurrected and ascended to the Heavenly Throne Room, where He serves in the Kadosh of Kadosh's. He is the only way to the Father and to eternal life. By confessing Yahusha as our Saviour and being fully immersed in the waters in His name, we are able to receive the Ruach ha-Kodesh and have the opportunity to enter into His Kingdom. We believe He is returning soon with His reward.

1 Tim 2:5, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, John 3:5, Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16-17, Acts 19:1-6, Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Peter 3:21, Rev 22:12

3. We are Yahshar'al

Through the work and teachings of Yahusha, we are counted as Abraham’s seed, grafted into Yahuah’s covenant⁹ thus part of the commonwealth of Yahshar'al.

Gal 3:29, Eph 2:11-19, Rom 11:17

4. Understanding sin and being forgiven

Sin⁷ is the transgression of The Law (Torah). We all fall short of the glory of Yahuah; but through confession and the seeking of forgiveness in Yahusha, we are forgiven of sin⁷. We should therefore no longer continue in our sins⁷, but repent and return to the Covenant⁹.

1 John 3:4, Rom 7:7, 1 John 1, Rom 6:23, Rom 6:1, Heb 10:26, Acts 3:19

5. The Ruach ha-Kodesh has been given to us

We have been given the Ruach ha-Kodesh to empower us to walk in Yahuah’s ways, to teach us, guide us, and to convict us. The Fruits of the Spirit are essential for us to share the Gospel effectively with the world. We believe the Gifts of the Ruach are secondary to the Fruits of the Ruach, although all are vital to demonstrate the power of Yahuah so that Belief is not rested on man’s wisdom.

Eze 36:27, John 14:26, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Corin. 2:4-5, 1 Corin 12:31

6. Worshiping in Ruach and Truth

Yahuah Almighty's Torah (Law), given to Yahshar'al at Mount Sinai still stands today, as the Law is truth. Not one part of the Law will disappear until heaven and earth pass away. Observing the Law is how we love³ Yahuah. We try our utmost to worship Him in Ruach and truth as priests, seeking righteousness with the Ruach, whilst observing the Commandments to the best of our ability. Some include: the Scriptures dietary laws, Feast Days, the wearing of tassels/tzitziyot.

Ps.119:142, Matt. 5:18, Rom 3:31, 1 John 2:6, John 14:15, Ps. 119:142, John 4:24

7. Love is the weightier matter

The weightier matter of Scripture is love. According to the Mashiach, the greatest commandment is the Sh'ma: to hear and obey the Word of Yahuah and to love Yahuah with our whole essence; with the addition that we must love our neighbor as ourselves (Lev 19 and Mark 12). All of the 'Ten Commandments' can fall into one of the two: to love Yahuah and to love your neighbor as yourself. This love is best described in 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John.

Deut 6:4-9, Lev 19:18, Mark 12:29-30, 1 Cor 13, 1 John

8. Turning from the traditions of men

We reject festivals that have pagan origins that follow the traditions of men; such as Christmas, Easter, and Sunday being the Sabbath⁵. As written, Satan has changed the times and seasons to try to confuse Yahuah’s people, so we study Scripture to synchronize ourselves with Yahuah’s calendar, which tells us the true times and seasons. We observe the Sabbaths⁵, including the seven Festivals of Yahuah. As the Fourth Commandment instructs us, we hold a set-apart¹¹ assembly¹ on Saturday and a set-apart¹¹ assembly¹ for the Feasts at the appointed times. As written, the observance of the Sabbaths⁵ is a sign between Yahuah and His people. We begin to observe the weekly Sabbath once the sun has locally set on Friday, by the Scriptural day, sundown till sundown.

Mark 7:8 Jer 10:1-5, Dan 7:25, 1 Thess 5:1-4, Lev 23, Exodus 20:8, Eze 20:12, 1 John 3:9, Deut 12:4, 30-31

All Esteem Goes to Yahuah

Shalom: Natsarim Yahshay Chasad Ban Yahshar'al Watchmen Of Yahuah 🦁Tribe of Judah

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Joined Dec 4, 2024

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