



I started a youtube channel called Black Widow and changed it to turboworld about 7 years ago, based on fixing cars and making them go faster and last longer. Since then I have been censored and duplicated on you tube 22 other times, and had almost 30 strikes, 70 video's removed, blocked. Now I fight one appeal at a time and wait the rest out until i win or the punishment finishes. I have watched many big creators grow and fall along the way. I would have never thought they and I would be censored for creativity. I would have never imagined as a kid that greedy ass corporations would pay top dollar to keep me from growing and team up together to keep you from saying or sharing anything as well .Now its been 7 years since companies started literally colluding to block me from you, for sharing my craft. You know me, I fight back harder and harder each day against the tyranny, the hate, and the abuse. Because I am on the just side of the law, and it's already law, but absolutely no one is responsible for enforcing it, so I am finding out. Well hold me accountable for trying, I aim to change the future for all of us and many generations past, because it matters to me. What could possibly be more important than preparing a future for all of us? Only God Knows.

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Joined Jun 28, 2022

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