Nelson Martins on Boston 9/11 Truth 2/6/2025
Boston 9/11 Truth
Nelson Martins (aka DJ Thermal Detonator). He's a former Southern California Gothic & Industrial Music Club promoter, and live entertainment Booker. He first became indoctrinated into 9/11 Truth after having first watched Loose Change in 2007 as well as a myriad of other known alternative September 11th conspiracy films.
But, much of his views and positions on 9/11 Truth have immensely changed over the past years.
In 2008 he joined We Are Change Los Angeles as a regular and outspoken street activist. During his short-lived endeavor of creating and printing his line of 9/11 Truth shirts, Nelson started his first YouTube channel in 2011 which was first named after it, 'Truther Shirts TV' where he would host a variety of conspiracy and alternative history films.
After 2012, he changed his channel title simply to; 'Truther TV', where he began dabbling with video editing, and eventually producing his own documentary films with such titles as 'An Inconvenient 9/11 Truth'.
By 2016 with the advice of a fellow activist, to better enhance his film writing capabilities, he started his WordPress blog '9/11 Skeptics Vs Truth' which he continues to write articles for periodically.
Now in the past several years, he's produced many more films, such as '6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover-Up', '9/11: BOJINKA MAXIMUM - Untold Hijacking attempts of September 11th & 13th', 'THE HIDDEN PATH TO 9/11 - WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING OF 1993: False Flag Terrorism, Cover-Ups, & Missing Links', 'EXPLOSIVES ON THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE - URBAN TRUTH or 9/11 MYTH? and others, and has since changed his channel name to '9/11 True Crimes', as well as runs a patreon page.
He is currently working on a book regarding the story and mystery of Nick Berg, the American freelance contractor who went to Iraq after the US invasion of Iraq, where he was abducted and beheaded on video in 2004, that was released on the internet.