



PATRIOTS UNITED™ is a grassroots America First, MAGA organization, dedicated to upholding the ideals established by our FOUNDING FATHERS in the U.S. Constitution!

How we accomplish this:

We advocate for promoting the common good and general welfare of WE THE PEOPLE, and to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our future generations. We are committed to ensuring OUR beautiful and beloved country remains as the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC it is, back to the way it was originally established and intended to be. We advocate to end governmental tyranny by replacing lifetime politicians with regular folks like us, limiting the power of the federal government the way the Constitution intended. We peacefully stand against socialist ideals that are contrary to our American values.

We bring together like-minded people for a common cause; to KEEP OUR REPUBLIC INTACT!

The freedoms that are guaranteed to WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America were written by WE THE PEOPLE, against the tyranny of Kings and corrupted government.

The DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE, CONSTITUTION, BILL of RIGHTS were written to AFFIRM our GOD given rights, not rights created by man.

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Joined Mar 25, 2024

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