



Spiritual Warfare is real and raging around us - while end times prophecy, the Book of Revelations and worldwide culture are colliding on a pace and scale we've never seen before - but were we warned this would happen?

The Fourth Watch is a group of people from all walks of American life that were looking to go deeper with the Holy Spirit. We see the world through the lens of Jesus which results in spiritual warfare becoming a chosen lifestyle vs the commonly seen apathetic and lethargic country club church going Christian. What does that mean to you and I? To abandon the comfort of living with our eyes closed - to help the church wake up, to see the enemies work all around us for what it is and to remain vigilant, looking for opportunities to engage the enemy in prayer.

There's only one way to stir the church from comfort and lethargy - change your perspective, change your footing on the full measure of the word, pray for wisdom and discernment and ask the Lord to show you how you're called righteous indignation and Holy Spirit inspired anger.

Ephesian armor was meant for everyone which means all of us are called to battle - but some of us are called to war. Journey with us as we discuss the ways we choose to see and engage in Spiritual Warfare, and listen along as we challenge each other and discuss how to change our collective Christian footing before revival on the way up becomes revival on the way down.

We love the church and we want to see it become the Biblical foundation this country was founded on - but we also know at some point the cultural church will vilify and hunt down Holy Spirit filled Christ followers as they work to fulfill the Anti-Christ's agenda and purpose.

This isn't your normal, average watered down Christian podcast - but we encourage you to engage and test everything we say against the Holy Spirit, and to find your place as a watchman on the walls as Christ prepares us for His return.

God Bless and Godspeed

For more information on Spiritual Warfare:

If you'd like to support this ministry:


Venmo - @thefourthwatch

CashApp - $fifthhorse

For messages from our home church:

Kings Church NYC -

Additional Details

Joined May 29, 2022

14,165 total views

177 videos