



Saved by the Grace of GOD & the Salvation of my Lord JESUS CHRIST. I was on the high way to hell, using & selling drugs to keep my high, drinking partying & living in the street's & jail my second home for 34 years been beat up, shot at & almost run over a true crack fiend short Puerto Rican who dare death. I was nothing nice but Jesus changed it all when I asked Him into my heart and I surrendered it all to him then he renewed my whole being. I've never been the same for 24 years. I praise thee oh GOD of Abraham father of my Lord and savior JESUS CHRIST possessor of heaven and earth for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen. so now I'm Jesuspatriot57 preaching salvation and exposing the devil & his imps & minions & those in high places that serve satan in this agenda to kill steal & destroy humanity and Gods creation But hold it!! God intervene & he put a TRUMP CARD & that really messed up all the plans of the enemies of GOD & JUSTICE IS HERE AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love you guys who follow and listen. Podcast coming soon.

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Joined Mar 29, 2023

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