Random Red Pills for your brain.
-----(Edit a few months later, I didn't realize fully how Rumble worked, I didn't understand EVERY single video I upload to all of my channels, which are all different in subject matter, would all end up here. I am sorry for the damn mess, there is NO OPTION to neatly put files in different folder to organize them. This drives me insane, and makes me wish I hadn't told anyone of my main account, because im sure half of you, hate what I upload on my other channels, and the other half of you hate the videos I upload on the other side, its, but if your a weirdo like me, you enjoy all aspects of all of it. Actually I get a really nice endorphin rush the other day, some girl on Twitter, watched one of my videos and said it had changed her entire view on the subject and now she was doing more research in an effort to prove my information wrong, but had come up with nothing, so I was pleased with that, I originally came here to spread longer video memes, then I decided to use it to redpill, then I got the bright idea to share pirated movies and now im stuck with the mess you see. If you like it, tell others about whatever page it is you like, I have everything set to private(I think) besides my retarded live music streams, so it would help if you shared a link. Ok, im done here, and I am uploading 3 more movies for today. Actually I thi8nk im averaging 3 movies per day for the week.
Check out my other channels, enjoy and have fun, while learning. I like the more eye catching ear tickling type videos.
****I give up trying to organize videos into separate folders, yes I can do it, and also yes I am a retard who cant stay focused on one thing for very long****
I am easily distracted. Anyways before I get off topic, if anyone even read this, im dropping a link below to my supersecret PDF's a few of you may find more than interesting. They range from, Secret Masonic Teachings, all kinds of info about the ZOG, even have FBI files discussing how they view anyone that isn't a left leaning commie faggot. "The Protocols of the Learned elders of Zion", and its sitting in the same directory as "Mien Kampf" and "the Turner Diary's". Feels like I should separate them, but I secretly find it funny. Anyways, here it is, enjoy. Commie fags need not take a look.
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Joined Oct 15, 2020
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118 videos