S.O.S. for CHRIST is a brand-new (3/24) 'Lay' Christian Apostolate whose mission is to proclaim the Kerygma (Good News) that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of every man, woman, and child. The mission is executed by utilizing a "three-pillar" catechetical approach to declaring 'biblical' truths. The goal: the salvation of souls. The "three pillars" are:
1) SUMMA VERITAS (Latin for summary and truth) was created to overcome the world, the flesh, and the lies from the devil by confirming what the Catholic Church has taught for over two thousand years through the citation of Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, Papal Encyclicals, and the lives of the Saints. SUMMA VERITAS is available as an eBook via Amazon and will be available as a weekly podcast called "WHAT IS TRUTH?"
2) The "UPPER ROOM" Prayer Fellowship was originally created in 2014 to gather "like-minded" Christians (all faith beliefs) together whose desire is to become remnants, surrendering to the perfect will of God, to build community, grow in holiness, and worship God using the A.C.T.S. form of prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication). The format includes: opening Michael the Archangel prayer; singing praise & worship songs to God, including the Divine Mercy Chaplet; listening to a brief '10-minute' Bible study; listening to and being encouraged and inspired by members who get up and share what God has done in their lives; and, with a docile, contrite heart, being open to receiving the Dunamis (dynamite) conferred by the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands, transforming the body, mind, and soul.
3) The Men of St. .Joseph International (Catholic Christian Association, Imprimatur Approval) was created by my father, President Donald Joseph Turbitt back in 2012. Currently, (pre-pandemic numbers) the MOSJI has eighteen countries around the world with chapters of the MOSJI, and six states in the USA. The mission of the MOSJI: make saints, grow in holiness, experience a dynamic 'daily' prayer life, build a brotherhood of accountable, like-minded Christian men (18+) whose desire is to become like St. Joseph, "Terror of demons" and lead family, church, and communities as spiritual warriors. Resources include: Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, the lives of the Saints, a "52-week" study guide called SIGNPOSTS (created by two Catholic deacons) that utilizes real-life scenarios for men to analyze, discuss, and solve to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. Finally, men are challenged to commit to (yearly) experiencing "72 hours to a resurrected life in Christ" by regularly attending and participating in either weekly or monthly men's prayer fellowship, one men's retreat per year, and one men's conference per year.
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Joined Apr 23, 2024
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