31. Paul Mann: Turbo Cancer and Ivermectin

31. Paul Mann: Turbo Cancer and Ivermectin
Episode Description
US intelligence analyst Paul Mann discusses his sudden onset of turbo cancer after taking his Covid-19 shot. He details his path to recovery, including taking Ivermectin. We talk about the first International Review Board approved and FLCCC promoted Ivermectin study for cancer patients presently being conducted. We also discuss why many vax-injured people can’t face the reality of their injuries, and how people should respond if they are ever faced with coercive mandates again.
To secure his federal job, Paul decided to take the Covid-19 shots after President Biden’s mandates went into effect. Seven months later, in June 2022, Paul was diagnosed with stage-4 prostate cancer and began a very painful and bleak medical journey. After many rounds of chemo and radiation treatment, he was told there was no hope, and was at one point given 3 weeks to live. Through a friend and Feds For Freedom member, Paul was put in touch with Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a retired cancer doctor. At first, Dr. Ruddy merely provided moral support, but asked if he would consider using Ivermectin, as she had been researching its anti-cancer properties. After a couple months of utilizing Ivermectin, a few other alternative remedies, and changing his diet, Paul was in remission and remains so a year later.
FLCCC Observational Cancer Study: https://covid19criticalcare.com/cancer-study/
Paul’s Story on FLCCC: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-vs-stage-4-cancer/
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