



After years of searching for my roots, The MOST HIGH YAHUAH lead me to the Truth!

This Channel is Hebrew Songs & History by: Rayah Baqhar Baht Yahudah...

and I will also share what YAHUAH puts on my heart to relay to HIS people.

Be sure to check out my Hebrew History Channel on Youtube!


All Praises to The MOST HIGH YAHUAH & Glory to our Beloved HA'MASHIAHQ YAHUSHA : HallaluYAH


I will never ask for money, gifts, or donations. I'm a servant of YAH and I serve HIM freely.

I'm Not affiliated with any religion, churches, ministries, assemblies, camps, cults, sects, orders, clubs, groups or folds.

I denounce any oaths, pledges or covenants, my parents, forefathers or ancestors made outside of YAH.

I ask for the MOST HIGH YAH to forgive me and my ancestors. I'm sorry YAH, please forgive us. I Love You! So Be It.


Note: I took my channel down for updates and forgot to save all of my video content and research information. I will try to retrieve as much as I can.

Additional Details

Joined Aug 17, 2024

93 total views

6 videos