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Reading Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together' w/ Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - Part 1
The Pete Quinones Show
82 Minutes
Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson is a researcher, writer, and former professor of history and political science, specializing in Russian history and political ideology.
Pete and Dr. Johnson start a project in which Pete reads Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together," and Dr' Johnson provides commentary.
Dr Johnson's Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Fr_Raphael/about
Dr. Johnson's Radio Albion Page - https://www.radioalbion.com/search/label/Matt%20Johnson?&max-results=5
THE ORTHODOX NATIONALIST - https://theorthodoxnationalist.wordpress.com/
Show notes and links - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/reading-solzhenitsyn-s-200-years-together-w-dr-matthew-raphael-johnson-part-1--63576803
Is White Unity Compatible With Christianity? Feat E. Michael Jones & Corey J. Mahler
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A Very Murdoch Murdoch Christmas Daily Cope Special 2024
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Juze Behind World War II Documentary
Documentary by Aiden Hunter based on the book “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars” by Thomas Dalton PhD. Who played the leading role in dragging America into World War II? “Jews were behind the First World War as well. And yes, they were behind the wars in the Middle East (and still are).
I used Dalton's excellent, meticulously sourced book “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars” to make this video. Most of it is word for word. I highly recommend reading that book if anyone wants a fuller accounting, with even more details.” Aiden Hunter on X
Book is banned on Amazon, but you can still get it here:
Jews Behind World War I
Jacob Schiff (Jew), A Wall Street billionaire and the president of the Kuhn, Loeb Bank, along with a group of Jewish bankers and financiers including Paul Warburg (Jew), the brother-in law to Schiff and Woodrow Wilson's appointee to the first Federal Reserve Board) had financed both Woodrow Wilson's campaign for governor of New Jersey along with his run for the presidency. These Jews virtually controlled Wilson because they had been responsible for his career.
In March of 1917, Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg (Jew) (who spent more than $20 million worth about $750 today on the training and the financing of the Russian Revolution) sent Lev Davidovich Bronstein, a Jew better known as "Leon Trotsky" and his group of several hundred Jewish communists off to Russia, to foment a revolution.
This financing helped bring Trotsky and the Bolsheviks to power, and on July 17th, 1918, Jewish assassins, Yurovsky, Nikulin, Yermakov, Vaganov murdered the Russian Tsar Nicholas along with his whole family.
President Woodrow Wilson was highly malleable in the hands of the Jews including those of Jacob Schiff. Immediately after the British had promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine, these American Jews began pressuring the Wilson administration to enter the war against Germany. On April 6, 1917 the United States Congress had officially declared war on Germany.
How They Got the Right Wingers To Love The New World Order
Just another normal Xmas watching NPCs glitch out live on TV while the number 33 magically appears. More staged psyops to further enrage the public, so the Red Shoe club can come to the rescue creating Order Out Of Chaos.
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***** Sources for this video *****
Everything is a PsyOp by TRILLION feat Khan Quest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafDoqcShcQ
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Network Radio
The Greater israel, The New Middle-East, Sykes Picot 2.0
This is the the continuation of the original plan by the Talmudic tribe from well over 100 years ago to; from establishig the Federal Reserve, to the Belfourt Decleration, The Treaty of Versailles, The Plan for Palestine, WWI, WWII, and the current Balkanization of the Middle East.
Pretinent Reads -
The Yinon Plan PDF: https://archive.org/details/the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east-by-oded-yinon-israel-shahak-yinon-oded-shah
Return to Mecca PDF: https://www.zlibrary.to/dl/return-to-mecca
Dr. Michael Scheuer's latest Blog: https://www.non-intervention2.com/2024/12/11/given-trumps-wild-pro-israel-sentiments-the-islamists-victory-in-syria-augurs-another-lost-interventionist-u-s-war/
You Are AMALEK Part-Two (set quality to 1280 x 720)
Re-edit and update of the original viral three-part series, I created in 2021. Better sound and video quality including updated content. I hope you like it, learn something from it and share it. -Dom
Supremacy: The History Exposed Documentary by Jeff Kutzler
The Jewish Agenda Exposed
The world has been shocked and horrified by the ongoing Gaza Mass Genocide of Men, Women, and Children in Palestine by Jews funded by American tax dollars!
What is not well known, is that the Jewish Religion of the Torah and the Talmud dictates genocide and Jewish racial supremacy over the entire world. This is what drives Jews to commit unspeakable crimes!
The Jewish Agenda now threatens the world with Nuclear Annihilation by manipulating America into war with Iran, which would lead to World War 3 with Russia and China.
The Jewish Agenda of Genocide is now very real, and of urgent critical concern due to the subversive influence of the Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch over Donald Trump and Jared Kushner, Benjamin Netanyahu and Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Vladimir Putin and Rabbi Berel Lazar, Joe Biden and Ron Klain.
The Jewish Agenda of Genocide has been hidden for centuries until recently. Pioneering researchers Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Adam Green have exposed how the Jewish priest class wrote the Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah, and Zohar by plagiarizing Greek Cosmology, and making up lies to further their agenda.
This Jewish priest class perverted the knowledge of Greek Cosmology, and manufactured Jewish prophecies concocted from lies. This is in order to justify their coming Prophetic End Times enslavement and genocide of humanity, while reserving Planet Earth for themselves, the self appointed chosen ones.
What can be described as insane madness to fulfill their agenda is playing itself out through the manipulation of institutions and world events such as Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Federal Reserve Bank Hijack, Mutually Assured Nuclear Annihilation, Hollywood Propaganda, Big Pharma Corruption, Public School System Indoctrination, JFK Assassination, AIPAC Lobby Control, 9/11 Attack, Political Infiltration, Covid Bio Weapon, Big Tech Media Censorship, Jeffrey Epstein Mossad Sexual Blackmail, Illegal Alien Invasion, Gaza Genocide, and Transhumanisn Corruption.
The Jews claim to be a persecuted race, yet it is their crimes of Banking Usury Money Lending and fomenting Genocide through Subversion, Deception, and Proxy for over 2,000 years, which has led to them being driven out of countless countries. Jewish involvement in creating WWI and WWII must be revealed.
America was deceptively hijacked by Jewish Bankers with the Organic Act of 1871. The original American Constitution was changed from Constitution For The United States to CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES making America into a false corporation to enslave American’s.
The extreme subversion of America began in 1913 with the criminal creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and IRS by Jewish Bankers. This led to the dollar becoming worthless by removing silver and gold backing. Everyone was deceived into forced slavery by illegally taxing your income, and the additional theft of your money by inflation.
The founders of America never intended for an illegitimate private bank to control money, tax your income, or the country to become a false corporation. The Jewish Bankers were also instrumental in the economic crash of 1929 leading to the Great Depression.
The Jewish Holocaust by Adolph Hitler was an atrocity, yet the facts about this tragedy have been manipulated and propagandized. Any contest of the facts is labeled holocaust denial and can result in imprisonment in some countries. The truth about this terrible event requires revision and exposure.
Communism and Socialism are both Jewish constructs stemming from Karl Marx and inspired by the Talmud. Most do not know that Jews contributed to the creation of Communist China. The Mao Regime was responsible for the genocide of an estimated 60 million Chinese which is the largest atrocity in human history!
Additionally, the suppressed truth about the Marxist Socialist Jews fomenting the Bolshevik Russian Holocaust, where 10 million Russians were slaughtered and starved to death requires exposure. This is in addition to the Ukrainian Holocaust, Kazakh Holocaust, and Armenian Holocaust all fomented by Jews. Also, the fact that Jews were instrumental in creating the terrorist organization Hamas to justify killing Palestinians requires exposure.
Most have been blind regarding the Jewish Agenda, because of the powerful manipulation of history, and the propaganda of the Jewish influenced Public School system in conjunction with the Jewish owned media. This has created a ubiquitous psychological operation of mind control that pacifies the multitude into complacency preventing any form of resistance. We live in a Jewish controlled matrix of deception and enslavement.
Much of the Jewish Agenda relates to destruction of the nuclear family, thereby destroying the country from within. Most do not hold Jews accountable for Jewish crime, due to potent societal conditioning, victim status shielding, and the fear of being labeled antisemitic.
The term antisemitic is a misnomer because most Jews are not Semitic. Palestinians are truly Semitic. Jews were originally a nomadic merchant class expelled from countless countries due to crime. Jews had no formal country until the creation of Israel in 1948, due to the machinations of the Jewish Rothschilds.
What could be dismissed as antisemitism and conspiracy theory, can no longer be ignored. This information cannot be debunked, because it is backed by facts and evidence. In order to know the future, one must know the past based on the religious motivations that drive the Jews behind those in power.
Terms like New World Order, Globalist, Elite, and Zionist which have obscured Jews, now needs to be replaced with the term Jewish Supremacy. This is not racism or hate, this is identifying the criminal agenda followed by Jews based on a corrupt Jewish religion.
The proposed antisemitism law by Donald Trump is unconstitutional. Expressing ones views regarding the Jewish Agenda is ones First Amendment Right protected by the Constitution. All religions should be respected through freedom of religion, however Jews should renounce and reform their religious doctrine that dictates genocide, racial superiority, and join the human race.
The occupation of America and the World by Jewish Supremacy is at a turning point. Humanity has been enslaved by a Psychopathic Jewish Messianic Death Cult gone rogue endangering the entire planet. Jews are intent on rebuilding the 3rd Temple dominated by the Jewish Messiah, One World Jewish Religion, and One World Jewish Government.
It is said we live in the time of the Great Awakening when corruption will be exposed and truth revealed. With the approaching threat of Nuclear Annihilation, and Artificial Intelligence controlled by Jews, it is now time that the world awaken to this horrific Jewish Agenda. The only way to prevent this dark plan of tyranny and genocide is to resist and expose it!
Christopher Jon Bjerknes Website
Adam Green Website
Holocaust Encyclopedia
Truth Freedom Health Movement
The Jewish Problem Project
Occupied Film Documentary
Jewish Gaza Genocide Exposed
The Zionist Occupied Government of Donald Trump
Donald Trump: The Jewish Connection Exposed
Jewish Supremacy Exposed
Jewish Covid-19 Genocide Exposed
Jews Who Started The Bolshevik Russian Genocide
Jewish World Domination Plan Exposed
How Israel Helped Create Hamas Exposed
Jew World Order Exposed
America End The False Corporation
End The Jewish Federal Reserve Bank
The Jewish World Extermination Plan Exposed
How Zionism Conquered America
Overwhelming Evidence Netanyahu Engineered October 7th Attacks
Jewish Roots Of America’s Subversion: The Frankfurt School
Zionist World Genocide Plan
Trump Kabbalah Agenda Exposed
Netanyahu: The World Genocide Plan 2023 - 2030
We Interviewed A KKK Grand Wizard | Twins Pod - Episode 42 - David Duke
Twins Pod
On This podcast, we have all kinds of guests to have all kinds of conversations. So when people say David Duke is an evil person, and has no platform to speak for himself, we want to give him that platform. We go over his true ideals, how his name has been smeared, his origins in the KKK and what he believes is the real threat to mankind.
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