Quantum Synchronicity is a groundbreaking new show that explores the intersections of science, psychology, and astrology. Created by renowned Quantum Psychologist Iben Larssen, and Astrologer David Hauser, this series dives deep into the mysteries of quantum entanglement and human awareness to uncover the profound connections and to better understand affects and effects of the collective consciousness.
Through captivating discussions and thought-provoking research, Iben and David take viewers on a journey to understand how the universe communicates with us and how we communicate with it. Whether through synchronicities or meaningful coincidences, we are all beginning to notice something beyond the veneer. Their show delves into how our thoughts, emotions, and intentions are intricately woven into the fabric of the cosmos, influencing our collective experiences with destiny in ways that science and our awareness is only beginning to understand.
Each episode features a blend of philosophical insights, psychological theories, and astrological wisdom, offer viewers a unique perspective on the forces that govern our collective consciousness. Skeptic or believer, Quantum Synchronicity challenges you to open your mind and explore the hidden connections that bind us all.
Join Iben Larssen and David Hauser as they unravel the secrets of the universe and show us how to harness the power of quantum synchronicity in our everyday lives.
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Joined Aug 13, 2024
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