I'm Andrew Rodriguez, and welcome to PsychoBible . . . babbling about psychology and theology! I'm a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania who specializes in sexual issues, such as sexual addiction, unwanted same-sex attraction, fetishes, and gender insecurity and confusion. My videos provide a Christian psychology and Theology of the Body perspective to church, culture, and sexuality issues. I'm also an advocate for therapeutic choice, dispelling myths about counseling for unwanted same-sex eroticization.
I'm the director of Integrity Christian Counseling in Pottstown, PA. My counseling practice site:
I'm certified in Reintegrative Therapy, a therapy approach for trauma and addictions found especially helpful for sexual attraction fluidity exploration. I'm an affiliate counselor with Restored Hope Network and Transformation Ministries Alliance. I'm on the board of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice & Scientific Integrity, and I'm one of their preferred providers. I'm a Living Waters coordinator for Desert Stream Ministries. I do conference speaking with ReStory Ministries. I'm on the board of Voice of the Voiceless, amplifying the voices of ex-LGBTQ. I've been a conference speaker for the International Foundation for Therapeutic & Counselling Choice.
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Joined Dec 13, 2020
14,330 total views
182 videos