The latest in news from around the world in a tight, unmolested package.
If you want non-GMO news from Non-GMO people, Pureblood.Nexus has you in mind.
We collect the bulk of relevant news from hundreds of Reporters and Newscasters.
(We've checked them out, and their reporting comes accurately, often)
While no one should believe everything they hear or see online, because deepfakes. -
America should know by now that an entire Major City's worth of individuals are
working round-the-clock to expose the skulldraging and scumbaggery so easily
found in the DNC, their masters and our nations enemies.
Join me! Oomtown! MON-WED-FRI at Noon., Kick, and
See you there or see you next time.
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Joined Oct 26, 2020
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