



About me and my channel and goals.

I am a carpenter by my work proffesion.

I did live in several countries as young.

With my mother and my step father.

Been all over the globe in a travels and do

have freinds all over by that early interest.

Another great interest was ancient history

with ancient texts and science at the time.

I did read alot of books for about 6 years.

I read all i could get - come by in this topic.

Then about 8 years ago i meet a freind and from a boarding school we both did attend.

He came from a country i have stayed in.

And gone back for a job in prepareness

for their government in cataclysm risks.

He toald me several countries joined

to shoot a big asteroid to pieces.

It did not go so well in the space vacum

and several attempts before succeded.

Problem is that Earths gravity did catch

them and they now orbit us or Earth.

I also from another person find out that

in his country they talked about Nibiru.

And i said Sitchin thought it was 1000

years until the next pass.

Sitchin did not count the 1000 years

the upcoming system do on top of us.

Before dive down to the deep space

for 2600 hundred years not 3600 years.

I started a great search to find the one

proof, that something was up in this.

I realised the moon did behave strange.

But discovered it is Earth in swing like

a drunk in its apperence. .

( swing back and forth while rotate )

After came the satelite image catch,,

that was proof of one star was close.

You only need one proof to start look.

Now years later i have learned alot in

space science and the binary systems.

2 plus 2 is 4 and same with texts that

match the stars to objects I read about.

And that is were I am at current time.

In a over all picture on star systems is.

What our politicians lie about and hide.

You get like resons to symptoms and se

it from their eyes when know the truth.

I am grateful of all of this i have learned.

I also se the madness or evil if you will,,

were our leaders in West lies and rip tax.

A elite globalist power grab is also up,

and it agendas runs in the whole West.

My goal was to learn about the stars in

our ancient history to wake Swedes up.

I think alot of them that watch me had

wake up and then could belive in me.

We have a big groupe that do not belive

the climate lies, but becouse the smare

of consperacy they dont say anything.

This group is the one to reach when its

to many that still belive in our politicians.

I understand some why but still "stupids".

How can you think cows farts or eating

could be a danger for Earth?

Listen and think what that says..

Cows are many now but less wild animals.

Should we kill all wild animals when farts?

Excuse me for say yes if think this is true.

You are not educated enough and should.

You are tricked by propaganda and help

our rulers to opress all of us that is wake.

These Bolides will come down whole or in

pieces one day.

Stars will pass close by soon with planets

and big trash tails that follow these stars.

I was my goal to get swedes in the know..

Did what i could in that,, now international

as my channel is with interested all over.

Will be my contiued focus as it was first.

If not these elite globalists are stopped.

The rest of us keep update and prepare

mentally and plans when problem comes.

Welcome to my channel and Earth today.

Additional Details

Joined May 14, 2021

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