


I am a 2nd coming Messianic believer in Yahvshua the Ben of YaHVeH. He is YaHVeH the FATHER's Mashiyach and Lamb of Yah (Yahn/Yahvchanan 1:29) that takes away the sins of the world. As a follower of Mashiyach/Messiah we believe that you MUST enter YaHVeH's weekly 7th day Sabbath (From "Friday" sundown to "Saturday" sundown) and annual appointed times (V'yakra/Leviticus 23) to understand the plan of salvation the ALMIGHTY has mapped out for us. It is HIS time HE has established for meeting with us and our test of obedience as servants of Yahvshua (Shemoth/Exodus 31:13; Acts 13:14, 42), which means in order to be part of the Body of Yahvshua you must give up the pagan customs you have been taught through Christianity (Daniel 7:25; Mark 7:7).

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Joined Dec 6, 2020

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