



Do you feel like your parent makes your adult life miserable? That he/she is the source of your emotional pain?

Did you grow up in an environment of sudden change of emotions and moods, narcissism, love you - hate you, jealousy and threats?

Do you struggle with feelings like powerlessness, hopelessness, guilt? Low self-esteem, toxic relationships and negative experiences like rape, sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, or bullying?

You've tried traditional therapy with psychologists, yoga, breathing, meditation, Reiki, you name it, but the stress and frustration keeps coming back?

Welcome to Love Your Life Again. A place for adult children of

- emotionally immature, unavailable and unstable

- narcissistic

- Borderline Personality Disorder


Healing childhood and adult life from life with an emotionally immature and unstable, borderline parent.

This channel has been created for you to get to know me. To see how healing of a 35-year lasting trauma looks like. You get to see how EFT helps with it, how therapy looks like. You get to know me in many versions: the client, the child, the therapist. If you relate with my story and experiences, let me know. If you know anyone who could benefit from it, please share my profile.

Do you want to become free of your parent's toxic influence on you, your decisions, emotions, life, and family? To be happy and accepting of yourself?

If the answer is, ” Yes!”, then visit my website

Prefer to listen or read? Check my profile on Substack

Additional Details

Joined Aug 1, 2024

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8 videos