


LEAGUE OF LIES now available on Amazon! https://a.co/d/h1EcTDb

Visit leagueoflies.com Author Ellie Pool's website: elliepool.com

Have you ever wondered why we’re taught to fear the witches and not the people who burned them alive? Why do we trust authority? Who makes the rules that we all must abide by? As a child, these were the kind of thoughts that kept me up at night.

When I was born, I had the pleasure of getting to know a remarkably strong-willed Dutch woman – a war bride who met and married a Canadian soldier during World War II. As a teenager, she’d lived through six years of ruin and unimaginable suffering at the hands of the Nazis. Mom and dad are both gone now, but their horror stories left me with an indelible curiosity about obedience to an evil regime. Perhaps following the rules isn't always the right thing to do.

In the 1970s, I fell in love with writing and I promised my 14-year-old self that one day I would write a novel. Alas, real life has a way of interfering with lofty goals via jobs and kids and mishaps and special occasions. Accepting that one day would never come, I shelved my dream. I barely had the energy to write a grocery list, much less a novel.

All things considered; the world seemed like an okay place in the `70s. No time in history was ever all good, but at least there seemed to be some shared values and one fundamental base reality. Then the 1980s happened, and it all began to change. It only took one generation for society to deteriorate into something unrecognizable. What had happened to cause such a monumental shift in culture? How did we let it happen?

In the early 2000s, I watched in disbelief as people willingly surrendered inalienable, God-given rights and freedoms to a global machine intent on installing an Orwellian one-world government. I spent the next twenty plus years researching history and social psychology. I needed to answer the questions: What is authority? Why do we believe what we do? Why does the average person accept governance that serves the corporate class rather than the citizens? How do they not understand what they're consenting to? The insights I gained are shared in the pages of this book.

In the summer of 2021, I had one of those mishaps I mentioned earlier, but this one turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I injured my rib while I was surfing in Hawaii… or I may have tripped over my own two feet on the back deck. I was forced to rest, and resting wasn’t really my thing. I was most unhappy. A few days later, I was on the sofa feeling sorry for myself when the answer came to me. I started to write.

Turning an idea into a full-length novel is as hard as it sounds. Had I known how challenging it was, I might never have started. Had I known that my words could inspire others, I never would have delayed.

Finally, I can look into the naïve eyes of my teenage self and tell her I delivered on the promise I’d made. I did it!

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Joined Apr 11, 2024

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