There is no Democracy in our Constitutional Republic. A "threat to Democracy" is, in essence, a good thing.
A Republic, Not A Democracy by Dan Smoot 1966 Apr 18

We The People - Constitutional Conventions
A Republic Not a Democracy from the Aptil 18, 1966 Dan Smoot Report
Subscribe to get important Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail.We have the opportunity to MOVE in the direction if we all start to really use every platform with the solution share video forward email - lets in this FRAUD!
Its your choice!
Educate others who waste valuable time and their lives to STOP helping the UN AGENDA by posting memes , Trudeau must , go , Doctor vs Doctor, Convoys. These are all distractions to keep millions going NO WHERE!!!
As you watch social media do you NOT see most of these accounts are fake to keep the useless distractions going on and on.
Learn What Canada Really is !! https://constitutionalconventions.ca/
Contact info@constitutionalconventions.ca
Contact Shelagh shelaghmcfarlane107@gmail.com
Documents for Creston Deputation: https://www.theawarenessproject.ca/
Contact Neil from the website
If we Truley want to end this FRAUD, we must coordinate posting the solution!
STOP liking their distractions, send them a message to stop wasting time on CRAP!
Help those who are lost and confused to join in and ending this corruption, the more crap they post the longer the pain will be inflicted , and murder,,,
Subscribe to get important
Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail.
Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8
Download POGG - https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/
$5,000.00 for proof that the 'Office of the Mayor' is owned by the Province & not the people. Ending the PPP Fraud
The Documentation is near finalization and we all look forward to ENDNING the FRAUD!!!!
"The POGG Primer: Ending the PPP Fraud" revealed gross negligence & corruption done in every CITY HALL by the signatures of de facto Global (Strong) Mayors & CITY CAOs.
"Defrauding the public" is a serious charge & one we don't ignore.
This fraud can & will be corrected with a new oath/"contract" being drafted now.
This is a re-publicing of assets & IMMEDIATE relief from the tyranny of the present financial system. That is valuable information to your Family and Friends.
WE will have updates very soon and much more to release in the coming days. 2024 will be the end of the fraud when more have the information.
So if your serious about ending hte FRAUD - you must take the information and share the information and become the leader /mentor/ organizer to ensure your community ends this FRAUD!
All the best in the New Year to everyone
Changing the System from the Bottom Up - 3 Part Series (Part 3)
We have the opportunity to MOVE in the direction if we all start to really use every platform with the solution
Its your choice!
Educate others who
Educate others who waste valuable time and their lives to STOP helping the UN AGENDA by posting memes , Trudeau must , go , Doctor vs Doctor, Convoys. These are all distractions to keep millions going NO WHERE!!!
As you watch social media do you NOT see most of these accounts are fake to keep the useless distractions going on and on.
If we Truley want to end this FRAUD, we must coordinate posting the solution!
STOP liking their distractions, send them a message to stop wasting time on CRAP!
Help those who are lost and confused to join in and ending this corruption, the more crap they post the longer the pain will be inflicted , and murder,,,
Please start to educate the solution,, things to think about --
Subscribe to get important
Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail.
Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8
Download POGG - https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/