



SOS! HELP! all people! I need my Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity Domestic & Int'l Criminal Court & Guarantor Judges & Belligerent, Law Enforcement, Genocide Political Will!

Plz SOS have INTERPOL, IACP Int'l Ass. Chiefs Police, ICC Int’l Criminal Court security, Domestic law enforcement. Deposit Man Genocided & Heir Of Genocide Man In Hague Max Security Prison or GITMO! For forced Misprison of genocide by Sovereign, nation, all actors!

Innocent Man & estate property Dino Paul Favero

248 Dr Roberto Koch, Col, Res Los Lagos

Saltillo, Coahuila

Mex, 25253

Genocide Beneficiaries & Chains Command Flagrant Delicto, Hostis humani generis 

Karim A. A. Khan KC moto propio Int’l Crim Court Prosecutor, Principles Role of Judges & Lawyers relation to exile & Migrants. , Global Principles On Nat’l Security & Right To Info. Enforcement

Edith Dumont lt gov ont & MARY SIMON Gov Gen https://i.imgur.com/7NYsUGs.png

Manolo Jiménez Salinas govener Coahuila MX

Andrés Manuel López Obrador pres Mex

Evidence & harm

Discrimination MX Penal Code 450 DAYS PAY $16.11 = $7,259

Info Law 640,000 Days pay Ea$16.11 = $10,310,400

Human Rights Cdn $75,000 EA/ $500,000 Entity Ea X 3 Financial Admin Article 81 $250,000.00 & $1,500,000.00

Competition Privacy Info Acts USMCA... Compelled! $35,000,000


Supreme court Ca

artificial persons are creatures of state & enjoy civil rights & powers only upon approval of statutory authorities..

Genocide Guarantor Judges!

Plenary. Complete every respect: absolute, unqualified; fully attended or constituted by all entitled to be present…

Artificial persons Plenary Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction

Perpetrator/s did & still inflict conditions of life upon 1 man & more man/women…

breach of trust according to constitutional law

governor does not enjoy the same benefits as Queen! Even Sovereign does not enjoy Genocide!

LAW OF NATIONS! §244 Eminent domain annexed to sovereignty

in a case of necessity, he disposes…this individual be indemnified at the public charge:. rules are applicable to this case as to the loss of merchandise thrown overboard Piracy

Basic Principles & Guidelines Right to Remedy & Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Int'l HR & Serious Violations Int'l Humanitarian Law

I Obligation to respect, a Treaties State is a party b Customary int'l law c domestic law each State

Piracy Of Courts! History Superior Court’s jurisdiction ..., authority over gov actions based in Magna Carta

Even current domestic & Int’l Law Expect

Deprivation Rights Under Color Law NO Obedience to de facto law IS JUSTIFIED AND NOT BY ANY MEANS CRIMINAL

15 No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made & enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in & over the place where the act or omission occurs

Magna Carta I Confirmation of Liberties

FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us & our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, & shall have all her whole Rights & Liberties inviolable. We have granted also, & given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us & our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to have & to hold to them & their Heirs, of Us & our Heirs for ever

XXIX Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice

NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right

Conveyancing & Law of Property Act, on.ca Guardians, trustees, etc., holding over without consent of remainderman, etc., deemed trespassers

52 Every person having an estate or interest in land determinable upon a life and the guardian or trustee for a minor having such an estate who,... without the express consent of the person who is next & immediately entitled upon and after the determination of such particular estate or interest, holds over & continues in possession of any land, shall be deemed a trespasser, & every person entitled ... recover damages against every such person so holding over the full value of the profits received during such wrongful possession

Global Principles On Nat’l Security & Right To Info! No Exemption Any Public Authority a) No public authority—including judiciary, legislature, institutions,

intelligence agencies, armed forces, police, other security, offices of head of state & government, & any offices of foregoing…

orally in person, phone, or by any alternative means, with relevant Info Officer. all cases, request shall be logged

law access to info belongs to man & not property of state

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Joined Dec 17, 2021

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