Time by The Alan Parsons Project ~ The Alchemical Man of Life Saying Goodbye to Death
FreakSense TV
Time is an absolutely Gorgeous Song from their 1980 Album, The Turn of a Friendly Card (One of the Best Albums ever released), and like their song from the Eye in the Sky album, Old and Wise, this song too is speaking about the Alchemical Men and Wombmen who Do the Work to Achieve Long Life, and potentially Living Forever, instead of Dying Off Young...
Colleen and I have been to a number of The Alan Parsons Project Concerts, and this song is perhaps the Best Received of all the Songs, Fans just LOVE this Track, and yet, they do not yet Perceive what is being said by Lyricist, Eric Woolfson...again, the Song is NOT about someone who is Soon to Die, and is saying his Goodbyes, it is about Alchemical Men and Wombmen, of Deep Righteousness, who Live many Lifetimes in many different Guises...and this is why I chose to use the Same Video that I used for their Song, Old and Wise, featuring Emma Watson, as this video is ENTIRELY about Alchemical Men and Wombmen who have to Change their Looks, and Move about consistently, so that others do not Discover their Secret about Long Life, and potentially, Immortality, as shown in the Star Trek Episode, Requiem for Methuselah, featuring Gene Roddenberry's character of Akharin, who calls himself Mr. Flint, but who has been Methuselah, son of Enoch, the Oldest Living Man from Biblical Days at 969 years of Age, and it is quite possible that Methuselah did NOT die, as Roddenberry alleges in this Episode, but rather LIVED and became Solomon, Alexander, Lazarus, Merlin, Abramson, Da Vinci, Johannes Brahms, Sir Francis Bacon, and Shakespeare...
It is Most Important that we come to Innerstand that these Men and Wombmen DO EXIST, and are the True Geniuses throughout History that have Shown us the Way, by becoming MASTERS of Many Trades, such as THE MASTER himself, Leonardo Da Vinci...remember, we are dying Young Now, not by God's Design, but rather because we are being POISONED to Death by the Canaanites, both of the Body AND the Mind...as Most People who hear of these Men will simply Scoff at such possibilities, as Most have become LOST in the Narrow Belief that we are Physical and Mortal Beings only, and DENY our True, Eternal Selves, which are IMMORTAL and DIVINE, choosing Now to Live in SIN, which is Death of both Body and Spirit...
So, I challenge YOU to OPEN your Minds to this TRUTH, that these Ancient Souls are here, even NOW, but that they must HIDE themselves away from us, out of Fear of what Governments and the Masses might do to them if their Extreme Long Life was Discovered...We MUST CHANGE, and We Must Welcome these Brilliant Souls back into our Lives, and Allow them to Help and to Guide us Back to the Strait and Narrow Way of God, Lived by Jesus Christ, who Himself is VERY LIKELY, an Eternal, Living, Alchemical Man...
So, before You Listen to this Brilliant Song, Clear and Open your Mind to ALL of the Possibilities that the Lyrics are laying out Before You...the Narrator is Not Dying and Saying Goodbye, rather, He is LIVING and having to say Goodbye to those who Choose to Die...
With Great Love,
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Enjoy, Love, CF

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