Calvary Chapel Leeward Coast is a family of believers in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We aim to know Him and walk with Him throughout life as His Holy Spirit conforms us into His likeness. We believe that the basis for unity within the Body of Christ is His agape love, which weaves us tightly together across different cultural backgrounds. Without this love, no one of us can truly claim to walk with the Lord, and true unity in the church cannot exist.
We believe that our worship of God should be spiritual, meaning that it is entirely yielded to and guided by the Holy Spirit. We remain flexible in obedience to His perfect direction of our worship as a fellowship.
We believe that our worship of God should be inspirational, meaning that as the Spirit fills our worship, that worship motivates others to glorify God as well. Therefore, we give a significant place to music within our service, believing that music is a great gift and tool given to us by the Holy Spirit to inspire others to further worship.
Furthermore, we believe that our worship of God should be intelligent. For this reason, we place great emphasis upon studying and teaching the Word of God (the Bible) both in our weekly services, and in our personal day to day lives. It is by His Word that He grows us as His children, and teaches us how to live lives of worship.
Finally, we believe that our worship of God should be fruitful, meaning that the life of a Christian should bear evidence of a sincere relationship with Christ. As God pours into us through His Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit such as love, should be evident
As for leadership and structure, we recognize God in His ultimate authority as the Head of the church. Following His leadership, our pastor, assistant pastors, and other established leaders after them consider themselves to be servants and shepherds under the guidance of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. The paramount concern of our leadership at Calvary Chapel Leeward Coast is to devote themselves to the truth and teaching of the Word, as well as devoting themselves to prayer. Their passion in leadership is to equip the church for the work of true ministry as we mature together in Christ.
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Joined Sep 2, 2024
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