The Bhavishya Malika written by the Pancha Sakhas 600 years ago, which will protect the devotees in the fierce catastrophic times to come by 2032 and will make them aware of the Bhagwat elements and will also make them included in the remaining 64 crores in the end. Daily latest updates of the same Malika reach you through this channel.
The Malika is Brahma Vani. But, the viewer of the Bhavishya Malika Official channel is completely free to believe or not believe it and follow or not follow the Path of Bhavishya Malika. May God bless all 🙏🏻
For more information visit Bhavishya Malika Website or Contact.
📞Brijmohan Bhai - +91 9593 161616
📞Anup Bhai - +91 91425 52324
📞Praveen Bhai - +91 89678 53267
📞Manish Bhai - +91 93200 00020
📞Mohan Bhai - +91 94387 23047
🙏🏻Jai Shri Madhav 🙏🏻
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Joined Jan 18, 2025
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