Law researcher, Vet - TS communications, Private Project manager, educated, world traveled, Lecturer... very busy researching private law and living in the private. You are a 'people' not a legal fiction known as a: person, individual, natural person... these are legal terms to trap you. The US is a Federal Corporation 28 USC 3002 (15(a-c), hire a attorney and become a "ward of the court" 7 CJS sec 2-4, No contract with the State is lawful because no disclosure of the terms and legal disabilities were made... Fraud! The state Marriage contract gives the state total control over your life, your labor, you children, your union, it is a fraud they use to control you. You don't need to register your land using a warranty Deed which is a color of title... Update the original land patent as you are an assign, but don't record it - only record a notice that it exists. The BAR is a private professional communist organization that has usurped the corporate judiciary there is no civil oversight. A Democracy is a lie, it is the dictatorship of 51% over 49% and you have no rights under a democracy. Freedom is relearning what the Elite and the State doesn't want you to know. No need to revolt violently... J-6 was a setup and those that were violent were the Antifa and BLM and FBI not the MAGA people.
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Joined Dec 27, 2020
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