4 days agoGOD'S WARNING: The 4 SIGNS Preceding the Second COMING of CHRIST That Will OccurFascinating Biblical Discoveries
4 months agoChapter 4 - Those All-Important Time-Texts | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoCh. 3 - The Parousia of Christ [2nd Coming] | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 7 - The Resurrection According to Scripture and History | Why Not Full-Preterism? -S. GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 6 - Audience Relevancy | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 5 - Time Indicators Examined | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response - GreggThe Narrow Path
2 years agoMorning Musings # 270 - How Do We Heal Our Ancestral Lines? Something I have Been Pondering.Soul ReneGade
2 years agoNight Musings # 328 - Are WE Actually The "God" We Are Waiting For To Rescue Humanity? Jesus Return?Soul ReneGade
2 years agoMorning Musings # 213 Of Crickets, Ravens, Yeshua Jesus, Myths, Religion and Renegade Spirits.Soul ReneGade
1 year agoMorning Readings: Matthew 21:18-43-Matthew 24:3-35- 3 Signs- The Second Coming of ChristCampbellfamily07
2 years agoNight Musings # 335 The True Meaning Of Revelation 2:1 And The 7 Lamp Stands Candlesticks KundaliniSoul ReneGade
1 year agoMorning Musings # 650 - Pondering Anana, The 'I' And The AntiChrist. The marriage of 'i' and 'I'Soul ReneGade