Night Musings # 335 The True Meaning Of Revelation 2:1 And The 7 Lamp Stands Candlesticks Kundalini

2 years ago

#renegademusings #seven #candlesticks
I had quite an active night last night receiving some more downloads in mid sleep, and I had a bit of a difficult time recording it. I will try to write out some of the things that I remember and hopefully can do so in a coherent manner. It was more or less just a two sentence transmission and it had to do with the imagery in the Bible, the book of Revelation chapter 2. #bookofrevelation #bookofrevelations

A person would never really be able to put the puzzle pieces of symbology together, without following the trail of numbers and take note where else they are mentioned in other writings.

The book of Revelation is a complete CONCEALMENT and cannot be understood through the religiously trained MIND that seeks for all meaning "externally" of itself -- external as in believing this passage is talking about a MAN named #jesus doing "who knows what" there among those candle sticks. If that is what you believe, you have been MISLED! And NO Concordance or Lexicon will help either!

The #bible is 100% SYMBOLIC and has nothing to do with the worship of a man named #jesus coming in the clouds! When you begin overlaying it with Egyptian and #easternphilosophy and #mysticism , you will begin to see the meaning (maybe?) if you have the 👁 to see it.

Everything you are reading in Revelation 1:12-14 and Revelation 2 is a very OBSCURE rendering of the #kundalini or ' #christ ' #energy rising in our body. The "Son of Man" walking among the lamp stands is the Kundalini or Christ energy ( #serpent ) moving among the 7 #chakras , lighting each candle (chakra) as it moves up the spine (or the pole by which the Son of Man must be lifted up) and finishes by lighting up the Crown or 3rd Eye (Single eye), thus illuminating one's entire body!

Also, the passage in Ephesians 5:14 - “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”

This too, refers to the Kundalini Christ awakening. YOU cannot awaken this at will, by somehow reading the Bible and choosing to be 'awakened'. Or raising your hand in #church ! No.

John 1:13 - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of Spirit (Energy).

The Kundalini will 'strike' like lightning from east to west, when you least expect it. You may as well put away the book and go on living your life, and perhaps you will meet the serpent among the trees whispering to you?! 👀 #secondcoming #secondcomingofchrist #secondcomingofjesus #secondcomingofjesuschrist

Leviathan’s Dream Sequence (432 Hz) by Spheriá |
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