1 year ago9 Low Level Lasers at Synergy Wellness! Most advanced, non-invasive Low Level Lasers in the World!drtimharrigan
1 year agoWe have a T-Epidemic, with the lowest T levels in men and women that we have ever seen!drtimharrigan
5 years agoProton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Dangers - a nano-podcast on the harmful effects of GERD medsDocSaleeby Videos
7 months agoLove Your Liver Livestream #157: DIABETES ROOT CAUSES!!! Subscriber Q&A! #toxicbiletheoryNutritionDetective
7 months agoDr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & LongevityAsher Press
1 year agoLove Your Liver Q&A Livestream 10 #LoveYourLiver #VitaminADetox #VitaminAToxicity #CholestasisNutritionDetective
1 year agoThis generation of children, are predicted to have a LOWER lifespan than their parents now...drtimharrigan
1 year agoExercise/Movement is not for you Muscles/Bones, it's actually needed for your BRAIN!drtimharrigan