Business | Want to Grow Your Business DRAMATICALLY? Clay Clark Teaches The Proven Processes And Best-Practice Systems That You Need to Implement NOW to Create a Time-Freedom and Financial-Freedom Creating Business + Client Case Studies
Yuval Noah Harari | "With New Generation of AI's They Can Create Intimacy. They Can Hold Conversations With Us, They Can Pretend to Be Humans. This Can Create a Totalitarian System That Even Orwell Couldn't Imagine."
Business Coach | How to Create a Financial Freedom Creating Business That Allows You to Pursue Your Passions + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark’s June 5-6 Business Growth Workshop! Request Tickets At:
The Great Reset | "What Will We Do With All of These USELESS PEOPLE?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "How Do You Create a Class of Slaves That Cannot Even Cognitively Rebel EVER Again." - Whitney Webb "Humans Are Now HACKABLE ANIMALS."
Yuval Noah Harari | "(AI) It Makes It Possible to Create Total Surveillance Regimes. Every Dictator In History Dreamt About Following Everybody All the Time. It Is Becoming Possible to Create a Total Surveillance Regime."