10/30/2023 - Jason Ryan Fishman / Charles Sean Dinse Group - Person in Fake Undercover Police Car Once again following me to the park for taking a walks trying to intimidate - 911 called - Refusal to take reports - with Worldwide Car Tactics
5/1/2023 - Security Guard - Jason Ryan Fishman - next time I see you your dead - Death Threat - With Officer Charles Sean Dinse and Security Companies STALKING ME
Business | "The Linear Workflow for Us & Getting Everything Out On Paper & Documented Is Really Important. Seeing That Mapped Out On Multiple Different Boards Is Awesome. It's Priceless." - Ryan Wimpey
How to Write a Book | Interview With 5 New York Times Best-Selling Authors: Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, John Maxwell, Mark Manson & Robert Greene + TipTopK9.com, MoralesBrothers.net & PMHOKC.com Success Stories
President Trump’s Space Force and UFO Files | Alex Jones Mentions Trump and RFK Jr. as "White Hats", Says Trump Knows A LOT About UFO’s + John Trump and the Nikola Tesla Papers! [Alex Sounding “Kerry Cassidy-Esque, Minus JFK Jr. Nonsense.]