Diy Blank Mask Form For Paper Mache - For a Fast and Easy Custom Mask

2 years ago

This blank mask form is easy to make. I can't wait to see how people use it for their own custom-designed masks. 🎃

Check out my new dragon mask pattern, too, at

The recipe for cooked flour and water paste:

I posted a list of steps for making this mask form - if you'd like to copy and print it for your reference, you can find that post here:

The sudden cold snap really slowed me down this month. My daughter came out to help me replace the old windows on the north side of my house (she's a nice kid 😊) and my neighbor took some of the extra squash and tomatoes I had to quickly harvest from my garden. I know I'm not the only one who got caught off-guard by all the crazy weather, including that huge hurricane in Florida. I hope you're well, and that you now have a little more time to get ready for the holidays.

I'm trying to think of some fun projects for Christmas. Would you prefer decoration-type projects, or things that could be given as gifts? Let me know in the comments below.

And remember to come back to my website to show off your masks, whether you use this new blank mask form or not. We really want to see what you've made.

You can find the Daily Sculptors page here:

Patterns for the sculptures and masks behind me in the video (and many more) are here:

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