DHS Head, Alejandro Mayorkas Is Running Scared—The Disgraced Director Now Claims It's Not His Job To Investigate Children Smuggled Into America and Disappeared By His Own Agency!
What the Illuminati Do to Those Who Oppose Them.. But Are They DEAD SCARED They'll Lose That Power Soon? + Does it Turn Out RFK Jr.'s Run Helps Trump and Hurts Biden?
Billy Praises Sitchin—Warns of the Weak, Conspiracy-Driven Thru Victim-Consciousness, FearFUL & Fear-BREEDING, Typical Kind of the Spiritual/Truther-Community (You’ll Run into Lots of Them and You May be One). + Who is Enlil (Yahweh), and Amen-Ra!
Trump-Team Prepares to Investigate U.N., N.G.O.'s, and Arrest Biden Administration Officials for Running Biggest Human Trafficking/Sex Slavery Operation in History!