2 years ago搜尋引擎最熱門的關鍵字“Die Suddenly”突然倒地猝死,在各地的死亡案件;遺體中“詭異的血栓”,令“遺體防腐師們”無法再靜默…這是一場“刻意謀害全人類的計畫”_Agenda 21 、The Great Resetmcy1227
1 year agoEd Dowd: USA Imploding As COVID Vaccines Kill Or Disable 7,500 Americans DAILY!Sunfellow On COVID-19
3 months ago( -0765 ) Dr John Campbell - Self-Assembly of Nanostructures in Covid Jabs - Peer-Reviewed Scientific Article Confirms It! (up to 1/10th mm - Visible to Your Naked Eyes!)figisaacnewton
3 months agoWhite Fibrous Clots Are Being Pulled Out Of LIVING Vaccinated Patients! (Redacted)Sunfellow On COVID-19
2 years agoFuneral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outsMaiasta
1 year agoEd Dowd: USA Imploding as COVID Vax Kill or Disable 7,500 Americans DAILY. Globalization is Done!teddolbi
1 year agoUpdate #2 - Dr. Ardis - Venom - Next Pandemic Announced - Plandemic 3 - WEF - Gates DepopulationExposing Vaccines
1 year agoWhat is this that you have done? Episode 2 - An Interview with Dr. Bryan ArdisRefugeOfSinners
1 year agoEd Dowd: Covid Vax Killed or Injured 7,500 Americans a Day: USA Imploding Under “Decivilization” AssaultTruths UnlimitedVerified
1 year agoUpdate #2 - Dr. Ardis - Venom - Next Pandemic Announced - Plandemic 3 - WEF - Gates Depopulation...FrankSpeechNet