Update #2 - Dr. Ardis - Venom - Next Pandemic Announced - Plandemic 3 - WEF - Gates Depopulation

1 year ago

â–º Highlights from the Interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters...

- Spike Proteins are Cobra Toxins (Venom)
- Perfect Antidote for Covid-19 is Nicotine
- Smokers are 'NOT' the highest risk of getting Covid
- How to Fix Loss of Taste, Smell & Tinnitus
- How did Covid get Distributed Worldwide
- Ecarin Leads to Prolongation of Clot Formation
- Textilinin Protein Prevents YOUR Body's Plasmin from Breaking Down Blood Clots
- Ace Inhibitor Captopril MADE from Snake Venom
- They're Getting Your Body to make the Venom Spike Proteins
- CRISPR Technology is Nothing More than Deleting and Inserting Venomous Genetics
- Elevated D-dimer results can be caused by "Snake Venom Poisoning"
- Drew Weisseman and Katalin Kariko "CREATED" the mRNA shots NOT Dr. Robert Malone
- M.D.s from all over the World are reporting HIV markers from patients after the Covid shots
- The Latin Historical definition for Virus is "Venom".
- A Component of Snake Venom called LAAO can cause Infertility and Miscarriage
- White Fibrous Clots are caused by Fusing the Venom with the Hydrogel
- Long Haul Covid symptoms disappear within 45 minutes to 3 days after using Nicotine Gum
- Four things that completely detoxifies Venom are Glutathione, Vitamin C, Ivermectin and EDTA
- Henry Kissinger quoted as saying "World Population Needs to be Decreased by 50%"
- Henry Kissinger quoted as saying "The Elderly are Useless Eaters"
- Dr. Ardis believes there is a Depopulation Agenda from the Covid shots and Remdesivir Treatments

â–º Highlights from the Interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett and Del Bigtree (The Highwire)...

- Del believes WEF and Bill Gates when they warn of the NEXT Plandemic
- Dr. Bartlett mentions Redfield (former CDC director) saying the next Great Pandemic is going to be a Weaponized Bird Flu that kills 10 to 15 percent of the population
- Dr. Bartlett quotes Redfield saying "Covid is just a Wake-up Call" and the "The Great Pandemic is coming. It's going to be a Bird Flu pandemic"
- Dr. Bartlett mentions Bill Gates says that there will be Smallpox
- Boston University Researchers Develop COVID Strain with 80 Percent Kill Rate in Mice
- Peter Navarro PhD "Fauci, that S.O.B. knew for a fact, that virus (Covid) came from the Wuhan Lab"
- Dr. Bartlett says FAUCI and PFIZER Lied to Everyone and left a Trail of Tears, Death and Destruction
- Dr. Bartlett says Budesonide is an Effective Tool for Covid

â–º The Must See "Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening" trailers - GLOBAL PREMIERE & LIVESTREAM: JUNE 3, 2023

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Sign up for the worldwide Premiere Livestream of The Great Awakening hosted by our incredible partners at The HighWire!

Be a part of this groundbreaking documentary's global premiere and join fellow truth-seekers from all around the world as we unveil this transformative film...


â–º Bill Gates and His Depopulation Agenda...

- Bill Gates "The Population is Heading Up to 9 Billion People"
- If We Do a Really Great Job on New Vaccines, We can Lower that perhaps by 10 or 15 Percent (800 Million to 1.2 Billion People)
- Bill Gates "Vaccines are the Best Investment I've Ever Made". He turned $10 Billion into $200 Billion
- As a Top Donor to the W.H.O. & the C.D.C., No One Man has more Power than Bill Gates
- Bill Gates "Normalcy Only Returns When We Largely Vaccinated the Entire Global Population"
- Bill Gates "We are taking Genetically Modified Organisms and we're Injecting Them Into Little Kid's Arms. WE JUST SHOOT THEM RIGHT INTO THE VEIN."
- Bill Gates "Does Saving More Lives Lead to Overpopulation?"
- Bill Gates is the "Sugar Daddy of Geoengineering" and backs projects like Scopex which uses Aluminum and Calcium Carbonate Dust to create ChemTrails
- Dr. Peter McCullough "there's a colaboration between WEF., the Gates Foundation, CEPI, the WHO, GAVI, Welcome Trust, the Rockefeller Foundation, the CCP, CDC, NIH and the FDA (known as the Global Predators)
- the Gates Foundation is the World's largest private foundation with more than $50 Billion in assets, which is the 2nd largest donor to the WHO next to the US government
- Gates sponsored "Event 201" (A Global Pandemic Exercise) and 1 month later Covid-19 swept across the globe

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