2 years agoJesus erklärt die 4 Feuer der Läuterung ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoTodesfurcht & Unsterblichkeit der Menschenseele ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoMenschenfreundlichkeit & Gottes Segen… Jesus erklärt ❤️ Grosses Johannes Evangelium d. Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoResponsibility of Parents and Teachers and Educational Advice by Jesus ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoJesus erklärt das Wesen der Engel... Liebe, Weisheit, Herz und Verständnis ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoWahre Teufel, echte Busse... Jesus, Elia & Mose erläutern ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium offenbart durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoJesus erklärt das alte und neue Jerusalem ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoDie Erde... Eine Übungsschule für Gotteskinder ❤️ Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
1 year agoFaith as the Assistant of Love asks for the dead Body of Jesus ❤️ Jesus explains Luke 23:52Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoJesus explains the Path to eternal Life in the Kingdom of God ❤️ How do I become Jesus' Disciple ?..Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoThe Ride to eternal Life... Jesus and the Donkey ❤️ Jesus explains Matthew 21:7Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoYou blind Leaders... You strain out Gnats and swallow Camels ❤️ Jesus explains Matthew 23:24Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoDo not worry about Eating, Drinking and Clothing ❤️ Jesus explains Matthew 6:31Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoThe worldly Authority and the eternal Divine Order ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoTrue and false Charity... Balls and Places of Entertainment ❤️ Jesus Christ reveals Heavenly GiftsJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoI am the Way, the Truth and the Life... The only Way to the Father ❤️ Jesus explains John 14:6Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoA Bishop is dying... Jesus explains Deathbed-Scenes ❤️ Beyond the Threshold Jacob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoThe Spiritual is hidden from the World and I alone am the Door ❤️ Jesus Christ explains Luke 4:20Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoThe Lord's Exhortation... You must choose: Heavenly life or eternal Death ❤️ Beyond the ThresholdJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoSabbath Rest... The rising Sun of Jesus Christ in the Heart of Man ❤️ The Great Gospel of JohnJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoFeed on the true, living Bread... Don't go into the Desert or ... ❤️ Jesus explains Matthew 24:26+28Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoGesetz vs Liebe... Gott als Vater oder als Richter ❤️ Die Haushaltung Gottes durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
2 years agoEure törichten Klagen und Bitten und Meine ordentliche Haushaltung ❤️ Jesus offenbart Himmelsgaben durch Jakob LorberJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
1 year agoCommandment 12 ❤️ Proper brotherly Love explained... Love your Neighbour as yourself, but who & how?Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
1 year agoA wise and unwise Builder... Have you built on Sand or Rock ❤️ Jesus explains Matthew 7:24-27Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English