Amightywind Prophecy 39 - Anointed Holy Eagles, Come Forth! ALL MUST FIGHT "Do not let race, creed, tongue or religious beliefs stop you from fighting this beast that comes in the form of an unholy vulture, but is a beast of great proportion."
Prophetic Pictures At Western Maine 1920's Farm . . . Can You Discern What Yah Is Prophetically Communicating In This Video??? (Horse Scratches His Back, Chickens Cluck, Cute Goats Bleat)
Prophecy 92 Excerpts fallen angels did many false wonders using Chris Angel, Hinn, Parsley. But soon "Satan’s elite forces will come in the form of UFO’ think is only science fiction."
Amightywind Prophecy 41 - Will MY Real Bride Please Stand Up! "Shortly you should hear Gabriel's horn, and you will be caught up to be by MY side as I call you forth as MY Bride."
Jeremiah 17:1, Matthew 18:18 -- Official Record Against All You Hypocrites and Backsliders in Heart -- Giving you Wicked Subscribers 24 Hours & All You I Call Out By Name 24 Hours Before Yah Makes You Reprobate & You Have No Chance At Salvation
YAH & YAHUSHUA'S Coming Destruction Upon Prophets of baal/antichrist (dark jesus) Shepherds! Such as Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn ect.. Prophecy Series Pt 1 (mirrored)